Swampland Hospitality

The struggling little thing was kicking and squirming in the lizards grip as the meat grinder came to life again with a loud roar.

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Lone's Snuffing

#6 of club meat grinder one little goat visits the club he'd dreamed of coming to for months, and he wants to see everything he's read about before he meets his end.

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Kara's Snuffing

Kara stepped onto the uppermost balcony of club meat grinder with a cool expression on her reptilian face, acid colored eyes sweeping the options on offer in the three areas surrounding her.

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Vanquishing of the Beast

The leash was dragged forward, into the monstrous meat grinder known simply as "the grooming pit". he hatsed it. he hatsed it so much. it was terrible, embarrassing, humiliating to the king of the world such as himself.

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Bustin' Sire...

It was like having your sac caught in a meat grinder, with no way to stop it. "eeeheheheeee."

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Stripes and Chains 5 - Claudius

Meat for the meat grinder. a dead fur walking. just another spectacle. she had left his leather strap kilt and he looked down at the large medallion set in the belt. the claw and trident.

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Heat Wave

It took at least another thirty before i could sit up and breathe again, and even then it continued to feel like my testicles were being put through a meat grinder. they were both still there, though -- as always, for better or for worse.

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Resistance Fall of Man: MLP-The Equestrian Front.

Little did they expect the meat grinder they were about to be thrown into... _"the american soldiers had no idea what kind of enemy they were facing.

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Chapter nine

"i won't lie; it feels like i went through a meat grinder," the teen assessed before he looked to his love again. a single red drop fell from the victini's foot, "nicole! you're bleeding!"

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