Chapter 2: A Bit Of Blood, For A Root Beer Float!

I only smirked as the bullet practically bounced off of my staff, which i had swung the second i heard the sudden discharge of a long range weapon. the bullet sailed through the air, straight towards said trigger happy dragon, hitting right in the snout.

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DC Criminal Profile: Ironsight

weapons expertise, hand-to-hand combat expertise, improvised weapons expertise, melee weapons expertise.

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The Quest for the Lost King: Chapter 3

It's a weapon i built, and i was just thinking that since you don't have ranged weapons, i'd give it to you, if you want it." "you don't have ranged weaponry either."

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A Bronze Rising: The Knight Falls

I'd made a fool of him this day, but it couldn't have ended any other way, the men had no ranged weapons and we were in a wide open field. the advantage of flight alone was enough to make this fight one-sided.

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P.O.D.S Manual

Strikers: masters of close combat and close range weaponry, can deal massive damage in just a few blows, while their agility and speed allow them to create distance from their opponents when in danger, as well as close that distance when an opportunity to

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Open House Day One

Master sergant jackeyr lycu, close range weapons operator. and of course, private lacyus akival, special tactical weapons operator.


Into the Unknown-Chapter 1-The beginning of the voyage

Whoever was attacking the ship remained hidden out of sight but continued to take their sweet time with hitting the ship with long range weapons shredding the hull to pieces venting atmosphere in several different sections plus crewmembers.

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Face The World

Frustrated by the octopus' evasion of her long-range weapon, the eco-terrorist pulled her polearm into two pieces, each of them with a hammerhead on its end that time, and begun swinging them at her with each arm.

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Krystal and Chase: Hidden Threat p3

Without any ranged weaponry, the approaching bots went down easily. gunfire rang out from the two as bullet after bullet raced forward, driving home into the robots bodies.

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//?A Curious Sergal: Part 7.001

Jax made a mental note to himself to use his ground-up topora leaves as a ranged weapon in the future, seeing as how effective it was against the male in the market stall.

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Virtually Trapped Ch.1

She stepped to the middle table; it held an assortment of ranged weapons. a voice then sounded from inside her head. "chosen one, you are looking at the weapons that pierce foes with deadly accuracy.

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From Elsweyr With Love (#2)

The long range weapon she had left in the drop off location was priceless. "where?" came the hoarse voice from below her. "crypt. name of shelley. key is in the urn on the left of the door. and faelian..." "yeah?"

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