Exosuit Maintenance

It was standard-issue military gear for the space marines, although various attachments could be added to augment the suit's capabilities.

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Dating the Enemy

Can he keep up the path he's on as some badass space marine? is this really the right thing to be doing? as an aside... comment below with how you think things should turn out between sorren, alice, and eve after you read the story.

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Blood Raider Sisterhood

"fenryx morrigan, gunnery sergeant, wolven imperial space marines, letter of marque 8236970145." the wolf man mumbles as if on cue. "you poor thing."

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.^ this first part sees two space marines, a sultry jaguar and a buxom alligator, take on a slave trader trying to make it out with their illegal cargo. however things take a turn for the worse and come across an unusual slave in the process.

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Man of the House (Part 6)

Bobby had never seen "aliens" before, but had seen his fair share of action movies and when he saw all of the space marines about to be go into action, he instantly wanted to watch the movie and kept his tv tuned in.

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Chapter 2

"you're making me the field general of a battalion of space marines?" novak managed to say, though he felt like his throat had just gotten ripped out.

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Canis Stellarum

To pete's left, zack, a german shepherd with a sturdy build from his days as a formal space marine, now in charge of security, broke the silence. "attis 6 is gone? do you think they didn't survive? why wasn't our mission aborted?"

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A Roll of the Dice

For some odd reason he found himself whistling the opening music from secret of mana as he slowly stacked up a few new plastic sets of space marine terminators and a plaguelord stopping the second the bell tied to his door began to jingle.

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He'd even get to dress up like a space marine, double awesome! and then there was the "ray-gun", triple awesome! he could hardly wait to try that baby out. if some mean old t-rex or something tries to take a bite out of his ass he'd zap the mf!

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Float Like a Fighter, Sting Like a Tank

Stories should involve military in some fashion, whether it's knights and prince(sse)s during the middle ages, sci-fi space marines battling the forces of evil, or anything in between!

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Scarborough Fair Homecomings Chapter Five

A small smile, then leu remarked, "you'd be surprised how much of a mess a squad of armored space marines can make tromping through your ship." "leu," marie interrupted, "the scanning is through.

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