Torpedo Run Chapter 5

Behind the corporal, a large section of the space port terminal lit up like christmas, then disintegrated, flying apart in a fountain of dust and steel and glass. "artillery incoming, get down!"

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The Wild River - Relief

I'd been to too many space ports. worn too many decency suits through too many days. snuck into opaque-doored cubicles where everyone else could ignore having to think about my alien anatomy while i performed the necessaries.

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A Martian Romance

Him being the martian gray who would be escorting her from the terra-lunar space port to the martian archeological site. her high heal shoes clicked with every step and her tawny colored tail swayed impatiently. he was ten minutes late.

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Pathogenesis: The Coming Storm

.)_ pathogenesis: chapter 1 the coming storm © searska greyraven the space port's lounge was virtually deserted, except for a single chiropteran pilot smeared with blue

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The First Verse: Establishments

Erin asked, staring out the window of their car as they drove from the space-port to their new home.   his mother stared at him for a moment before shrugging her shoulders. "balls of gases, i believe."  "they're not anymore than that?"  "no, erin.

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Favor for a Friend

They left the albatross and entered the space port, "lead the way to town. but stick to crowds. don't want to stand out as two guys lurking about." they walked out into a marketplace, "listen dante.

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The United Earth Coalition/ The United Earth Coalition of Exploration

_ **chapter three** _ _ **the uece star ship terra** _ _ **captain antonio wolfen's point of view** _ _ **earth year 2034** _ _ **space date 1-2034** _ we took off from the uece anubis space port and our goal to explore the milky way galaxy.

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Maverick Hunter - Chapter 3

The inoya drifted slowly towards the red-orange planet, hailing to one of the many city's space ports for landing.

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A Moment of Solace

First stop is the space port. i have to look up an old friend."

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Border Worlds tales #1 Beginings

Take us to the space port; pete needs to talk to us." jared nodded as he typed on a keyboard mounted on the dash. the dodge turned in the air to fly to its destination.

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The Halo: Chapter Nine

They lost hers on the way back to the space port." the vixen looked up at him with bright eyes. "you'll do that for me?" "yeah. you live here now, right?" justin held both hands up to stop the conversation.

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Tropical Revised - Chapter Three

"then you'll appear inside a spaceport terminal where you can choose to go on any ship you'd like to go anywhere, unless the other players who are piloting demand outrageous prices but not many try to do that at this space port." "they can do that?"

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