Alaskan Love

#46 of writing group challenge this is for a writing challenge in a telegram group i joined (link here if you're interested: at just over a thousand words, we would write a short story fitting a chosen theme.

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Feeling better

#23 of writing group challenges hey guys, was finally able to get a story out after what felt like forever. again, i am sorry for being so quiet for so long. this story is a direct sequeal to another prompt i did "a worse time" link:

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Fun on Heathen's Night

#25 of writing group challenge this was for a writing challenge in a telegram group i joined (link here if you're interested: at just over a thousand words, we would write a short story fitting a chosen theme.

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inproper timing

#24 of writing group challenges hello people of the internet. so new year and new prompts for this year. i frankly planned to ignore it so that i could focus on series and stuff, but the story idea was there and i just had to write it down. this was also

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Codename Songbird

#21 of writing group challenge this was for a writing challenge in a telegram group i joined (link here if you're interested:

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Tedious Titilation

#23 of writing group challenge this was for a writing challenge in a telegram group i joined (link here if you're interested:

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I am the Manager

#24 of writing group challenge this was for a writing challenge in a telegram group i joined (link here if you're interested:

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The Tar Pits

#18 of writing group challenge this was for a writing challenge in a telegram group i joined (link here if you're interested:

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What You Don't See Coming

#27 of writing group challenge this was for a writing challenge in a telegram group i joined (link here if you're interested:

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What is hope?

#19 of writing group challenges hello, here is another writing prompt from the writing group i am in. though i worry about rather or not this fits in the prompt all that well.

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a good first impression

#26 of writing group challenges hello readers. i know i said i would be working on my series and posting them this month, but i wrote this because i had hopped that i can use it to sort of jumpstart my work into doing the other stories. with this posted,

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Frustrations of Reality

#3 of writing group challenge this was for a writing challenge in a telegram group i joined (link here if you're interested: in under a thousand words, we would write a short story fitting a chosen theme.

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