Resistance Fall of Man: MLP-The Equestrian Front.

For a few years, life for the human nations went normally, but in march of 1948 the soviet union of russia, a nation which the us and the european confederation had been in a state of cold war with since the 1920's, went silent.

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Broadway Was Waiting For Me [Illustrated]

Celsius paused once inside, taking in the burnished brass grates and simple, 1920's-modern stylings along the walls. "excuse me, sir."

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Chapter 10 - Halftime

She's a 1920 stutz bearcat. in the front of the trailer is bruce, a 1922 moon roadster 6-48. i call 'em babies, but they're old and fragile..." "do they still run?" asked vernon. orr smiled sadly and shook his head. "haven't in years.

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Goldenmane Chapter VIII: You Wont Even Notice the Product Placement

The interests of staying suitably in the background and under the radar he had of course donned his usual night attire of a tuxedo, because well which well-dressed secret agent doesn't dress appropriately for dinner as if attending a shooting party in the 1920

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We Were Friends

It was a cold, wintry night on the ocean, two weeks remaining before the world greeted 1920.

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The Hollow Silence, Part 3

Built in the late nineteenth century, the town saw a steady population until circa 1920.

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Arkham Horror: The Rise of R'lyeh

I walked through the door and found myself standing in what looked like a hotel lobby from the 1920's. i stood there for a minute and just awed at the magnificent design of the large ornate architecture.

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Chapter 32: The Talisman

Soon, he blacked out. 1920 hours unknown location he could feel the warm waters touching his scales, washing over him like a loving embrace. images danced in his head... filling the empty void with colors and vivid items.

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Chapter 13 - Be Nice to Him

The only crew to have arrived ahead of them were mark, martin, and garrett, a wolf whose qualifications were that he knew how to drive the 1920 packard that appeared in the scene, and he looked enough like martin to pass for him on long-range shots.

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Coming to Terms: First Time

"i am at 1920 oak to meet ben. if you read this, something happened." he folded the note and put it back in the old metal glove box. he stared at the house. the porch light was on, next to the big solid oak door.

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Also, since we're gonna set the world record for "biggest fish fry, ever," other countries will start to respect us more and give us free money like they did back in the 1920's after we bailed europe out in wwi.

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Finding My Husband in Another World: Season 2: Chapter 3: Bandits

I tried to keep my excitement down by telling myself all we'd find was items from the 1920's and 30's. nothing modern or massively destructive. \*\*\*

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