W.W.C - Snowball fights

"i'm liking this plan," ryan said, putting his arms around both accomplices. "question - aren't we going into a little too much detail about this?" "you can never overplan a snowball assault," replied bernice.

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Whiskey in the Jar 2

Arya glances at the gun, and then up at jay, but then finally goes back to the accomplices in the back. both of them remain mum on the situation. "so, was it all a set up all along?"

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Yiffy Sex Ed

If a character has a hot sibling, partner, or teammate they will eagerly engage in a threesome with a friend, accomplice, boyfriend, or girlfriend and their brother/sister/partner/teammate. (aka "two guys, one girl" or "two girls, one guy") 4.

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New Beginnings part 8

He explained, "kochi creeping on you from the hall without being there in person means that she had either an accomplice or got to the security room.

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S under D[Arc 4: Exile]: Chapter 2

If they had another accomplice we would focus on them so much their other one could get away. we better figure out what those two are up too. i will interview them. you search their rooms.

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Castaways - Chapter 6

Now standing in the dark passageway, nick motions for his accomplice to follow and jason carefully sneaks out of the room behind him and closes the door as quietly as possible. "are you sure you want to do this?"

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Perhaps his accomplice or accomplices had a fight. but then again she had not seen any shell casings or smelt the acrid and bitter aroma of cordite and gunsmoke. that begged the question. how did he get shot, and end up here?

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Chapter 11: The Murderer

If he had an accomplice who provided the equipment and surgical knowledge, that would clear up a lot of questions." officer schulz nodded, "i agree.

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U.C.O.D: Scorn of The Lost (prelude/introduction)

The man called to his accomplice. the duo were running faster than they ever had before...not sure where to, all they knew was to run away from what was chasing them.

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F.U.R. Part 3

"my brother, and his two accomplices have...obtained three of our resource charges, the batteries that control different elements." "is that bad? don't mind answering; you wouldn't have called if it wasn't bad, right?"

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Lament of the Moon S&H - Ch.04: Enter the Lowefangs - Ep.01

One of katherine's accomplices, the white-furred mouse one, snickered. sasuga kept silent and didn't reply, doing her best to ignore katherine's insensitive banter. kyle, on the other hand, was seething in anger. "leave her alone, katherine!"

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Finding Rayraw Island - Natia Emory - Chapter 2

My father and two of his accomplices swiftly swam over the drop off zone to gather the larger shelled creatures that dwell in deeper waters. me and the other male resided in the shallower areas.

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