Chapter 1: Beginning Thoughts

Beginning Thoughts Holis was a good-looking stallion, well built and from good breeding. He was black except for a white patch of fur over his left breast. It was the reason for his re-assignment. He was still rather strong although it had taken...

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Fun in the Dungeon

Fun in the Dungeon Dim walked around hidden to exam his body from behind, Hidden kept his head bowed and raised his tail high as the clawed paws roamed over his rear. Dim smiled at how well he was trained and how excited he already was from his...

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Being A Lover

Being A Love r 2:00 AM Seth smiled and pulled Rose to the middle of the large bed and onto her tummy. She looked at him oddly over her shoulder as he straddled her lower back but he smiled warmly and reached forward starting to massage her...

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Saved in the Nick of Time

Saved in the Nick of Time Seth lay on the rug, his paw still held the knife. It had been three hours and he still wasn't able to bring himself to do it. Every night he sat there thinking, he would think how he was alone he'd think how empty his...

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Elders and Funerals

Elders and Funerals Janet slowly woke up as Darken got up and jumped from the bed, he went into the kitchen and as she stood up and stretched saw him leave by pulling a cord on the wall with his teeth opening a panel near the door. She had been...

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Keeper of the Rings

Keeper of the Rings Janet walked into the living room area of her cabin. It was a large cabin and her family had been pretty well off. In the summer a team of farmers would take care of the farm work while she was free to tend to her horses and...

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A Plan and a Problem

Part 6: A Plan and a Problem After a couple days of living in the warehouse and picking up things from stores that he needed Michael figured out a plan. He had all the money he would need but he needed time to plan. Time he hoped they had. It...

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Love's Ghost (Complete Book)

Love's Ghost By: Heart Dragon    I have added the Death Keyword to the story as there is a character that dies at some point however I would like to say that this death is integral to the story and does not occur during Yiff...

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Chapter 7: A Helping Hand From a Friend

A Helping Hand From a Friend It was around nine when Alesta started to awaken. She stretched and realized she was still dressed. She got up and started to remember the evening with Holis and a smile over her lips and then thought back to the...

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Confessions of Intimacy

Janet got up the next morning and smiled as she hugged the furry male her arm was already around. Darken was still relaxed and resting and Janet was really starting to enjoy sleeping next to him. He was warm and soft and feeling his breathing slow and...

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Chapter 14: A Recording to Remember

Holis gave Alesta a long slow warm kiss as his paws rubbed her back, he slowly pushed her back till she was leaned against the sink making her giggle and grip the side of the sink for support. He slowly pulled away from her lips a murr emanating from...

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Love's Ghost (Complete Book) Repost

Love's Ghost By: Heart Dragon I have added the Death Keyword to the story as there is a character that dies at some point however I would like to say that this death is integral to the story and does not occur during Yiff scenes. I would like to...

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