Adopted Love

Zachary sniffed there air with a confused look. There was a stench of burning meat, but he had no idea where it was coming from. He looked over at the oven but it wasn't turned on. What was it? Other then the oven the only other thing that could...

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Pets life: story one: Otter, Part two

The Otter and the horse story two The Truth behind the Two Darrious woke early the next morning to his alarm, he groaned and lay in his bed having a good half an hour before even needing to have a shower. He rubbed his head then let his arm...

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Pets Life: Story one: Otter, Part three

The Otter and the horse story three bullets and knives ~~~A couple months later~~~ Blue was sleeping soundly when Darrious woke. Blue was dreaming to. He was in a field of lush green grass. With Lion. Lion looked over and smiled at him. He...

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GBL High: Chapter Two

Chapter two Protection and gratitute The bar was filled with a happy cheer as the large group of friends sat close together, some with beer, some with fruity drinks, and some with just a plain coke. Their glasses were held high for a certain Tiger...

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GBL High: Chapter Four

Chapter Four That whore! "Nervous?" Sammy asked from the front passenger seat of his dads BMW. "Why would he be nervous?" Ivan (Sammy's lupine dad) asked with a confused, happy look. "Timmy is the teams new water boy." Joey murmured from...

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GBL High: Chapter Four

Timmy gave a gently yawn as he woke from his sleep. He giggled as he got up, pressed his alarm clock and hoped right into the shower. He didn't feel tired, he didn't feel fatigued. He was excited. Today was his final day of school for a good 4...

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GBL High: Chapter Three

As soon as the two felines had made up a plan of getting into the house without it seeming suspicious, Ryan laid down a shirt for Timmy to sit on and took off towards the Tigers house. The two were giggling and laughing as the new unprotected...

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GBL High: Chapter Three

Chapter Three The lead up The weeks passed and Timmy was getting more and more comfortable with the school. He knew where his classes were. He was very good friends with Sammy, Cole and Joey, and they all sat near the fountain with Kyle who just sat...

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GBL High: Book one: Chapter One

**GBL - High** **Written by TiggyTiger** **Book one: The New** **Chapter One** **The Interview** Timothy opened his dull, tired eyes as the loud electronic buzz of his alarm clock brought him out of his sleep. He gave an annoyed groan as he then...

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GBL High: Chapter Two

Chapter Two A whole new school Timmy gave a soft groan as his alarm clock once again went off. He rolled over, pressed the sleep button then sat up with a groan. He rose his paw up to his eye and gave it a rub before standing from the bed and...

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Dancing in the Rain - Chapter Eight

"E-Easy b-babe." Claye whined, his paws digging into my back fur as I was trying so gently to pull my knot out from his rear. I know it's not ever an easy thing, hell I wasn't even planning on tying with him! But in the heat of the moment and with his...

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Journey: Chapter Four

Chapter 4 Leif gave a gentle sigh as his hind paws were gently aching, the night previous was met with a very uncomfortable nights rest. He was used to sleeping in odd places, and in even weirder positions; but last night it was just bad. He kept...

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