The Hand and Arrow

A) the bermuda triangle b) a random temporal rift c) an undiscovered portal you can tell me what you wish... i'm just going to let my brain take this and he'll do the rest while i take my writer's block somewhere...

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Time For Some Fun in the Sun

At first he saw a surfer out in deep water, a nicely toned kangaroo that wore a pair of bright blue bermuda shorts as he rode one of the waves that came into the beach.

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De vuelta al trabajo

Bajó la prenda un poco, revelando la verga flácida del tigre y sus huevos apresados por el elástico de las bermudas. leo no pudo hacer nada por evitarlo. la mirada atenta de su jefe a menos de un pie observaba sus manos y sus gestos.

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He knelt down and fished out a pair of red bermuda shorts and i watched him change in front of me unabashedly.

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Finding Atlantis - Ch2

It moves around, but most of the time it is in what you call the bermuda triangle. here it lies near the capitol city of cains." for the rest of the night we sat and talked like old friends. she was surprisingly easy to talk to.

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Marjorie's Change

"i've found one," she spoke aloud, "at the bermuda triangle!" marjorie exclaimed. she jumped up and felt something both odd and vaguely familiar about her stance. she realized that her tapping the magic had exacted a toll on her human form.

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Long way to Indianna (Part 1)

._ "the tablet says very little, but tells of the city itself, only a small island the size of artemis city that floats around the coast of puerto rico and actually drifts towards bermuda and back at different points in the year.

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10 - Play Time

"bermuda triangle." mizu and cian said together. "there's a beach on there where no human ever stepped on." cian commented. "i came there often to think when i was young rather than be stuck in a cavern..."

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Memories: Part Six.

The plane will head west, towards florida by going around the bermuda triangle!" at this, several soldiers in the ranks behind alex began to mutter, but were silenced when the sergeant ordered silence.

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Looking to the Future

The bermuda triangle doesn't exist. there are nude photos of princess..."                 "father!"                 "what?"                 "a ring in an egg?"                 "yes.

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Echo - Friends with benefits

Once they reached the bed, flynn unbuttoned carl's bermuda shorts and pulled it down, exposing the briefs and telltale bump.

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Weird Things

I came over from the bermuda islands." bermuda was a large island far from this school. the teacher asked, "ok, why don't you have a seat?" alex walked down the rows going to the last one; there was a sit right next to ron.

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