Moving in (pt. 1)

All of those bigot bastards. he snarled and yelled. he ran straight and jumped. he twisted his body and kicked high, seeing one linebacker's teeth fly out. he pulled his right paw into a knife-hand strike. he swung his arm and sliced the air.

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The Price

"so i know all about father being one of these bigot people but you got to tell him sometime, its something you can't just hide you know?" said the lion.

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Human Nature

York sighed to himself knowing he didn't have time to toy with the bigots, taking a long look at the horizon and a deep breath and was off into the ancient forest.

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The wolf who the fox had laughed about being a coward, the bigoted loud mouth who tormented so many of his classmates, there in a heap of blood and refuse dieing or was he already dead.

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Blood Brothers

None of the bigots had any immediate family, nor were they given a proper burial. nobody seemed to mind, notice or pay any attention or care. they were damaged goods, strictly collateral. fuck them.

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Queen Muz-Ra #3

"because they're a bunch of species-ist bigots. when they learn that another race can actually be considered as an equal - when they actually interact with them on an equal footing, that should be expected if they're not unredeemable."

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The human side of them was still bigoted enough to wage wars against opposite fur-types, and there was still a giant homosexual debate.


Sheriff Sierra Wright Ref Sheet

And 80s rock and pop sports: rodeo, billiards, soccer, marathon running dislikes: criminals(especially thieves), cruel/rude people, self absorbed/selfish people, bullies, various insects and spiders, pain, racists, feminists/supremacists, bigots

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Inevitability, part 2

"it's just human bigots trying to lobby the rest of the human population to destroy furs like me, why would i watch something like that?!"


The Bird People

Though they grew in a highly-racist and bigoted culture, these children were sweet and innocent and they did not believe in the cruel ideologies of their parents.

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When Standing

"bigot," she scolded they way anyone would when they agreed when something was funny and socially inappropriate. "say it louder, and we might get it!" "it's mostly bovine out here, we're all thinking it!

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A herm's release.

She hadn't had a man between her legs for quite some time, through no fault of her own she was positive, but through the bigoted opinions of the general masses.

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