A geldings embrace...

Hooves panted breathlessly as his quivering tail hole is licked and then tongue fucked. "cuz us gelding are not really males anymore... that's why all the stallions love us."

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Chapter 14 The Wanting

Jonathan said breathlessly, and without warning, slammed the prince to the sheets. etienne struggled to get away, moaning in protest as his cousin's hard fingers curled in his mane.

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"wh-what are...what are you doing..." he asked breathlessly, and i heard his voice crack. "shush..."

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Chapter 25

Lea whispered breathlessly: he had started touching her. his paw gently squeezed her swollen tit, then smoothed over her big belly to her sex. she sighed when he fingered her big pussy lips.

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Writing Clip (Nsfw)

An obscene quantity of fake blood squirted across the screen and gerry couldn't hide his laugh, "this movie is really awful." he chuckled breathlessly. "and yours are better?"


Incorrect Assumptions

Her chest rose and fell in rapid rhythm and her breathless protests fell on deaf ears. her usually elegant mane and tail were crumpled beneath her, mussed up and tangled.

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Loser pays up.

Hoggie moaned out breathlessly, laying there across that bench feeling trev's huge cock tensing and throbbing inside of him.

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Chapter 31: That First Time

In a breathless frenzy he suckled and touched her. in a breathless frenzy, she arched her back and writhed and moaned, closing her warm thighs around him, rubbing her hard cock against his. "put it in me . . . yatokya . . ."

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The Angel's Ecstasy - Part Two

When she stroked the back of his neck with her trembling hands however, and whispered just a few breathless words to him... "_keep going. fuck me again.

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The Angel's Wish (A Jeeves Prompt, Posted with Permission)

When she stroked the back of his neck with her trembling hands however, and whispered just a few breathless words to him... "_keep going. fuck me again.

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The Missing Lynx - Deleted Scenes

Vargos groaned breathlessly, squirming beneath the female's heel as his fingers gouged into the charred dirt beneath him. oh, gods, that hurt so good! the succubus yawned again, rolling her eyes.

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