The Karn Dominion, The Hybrid War, Brad Part 1

The colonists use as much of the preexisting native technology as possible while slowly "modernizing". it was more cost effective.

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Desmond and Telereus, Chapter 1.

For the first week we were there, waiting on the first group of colonists, she swore up and down on a daily basis that she was getting taller.

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Into Darkness: New Bodies

I didn't want to be known as the colonist with the wanking addiction.

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War of empires

The colonists agreed and gathered around indeogram of their imperial symbol. the trial consisted of the leader and the duke shouting accusations at each other.

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Alt Earth 4077 Historical Post 3

To date, 100,000 future colonists out of earth's growing population of 3.5 million humarans are ready to venture into space for new homes.

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Perpetual Princess Project

I heard rumors down there, some of the colonists think we control the crime families, that we use the criminals to keep everyone else in check."

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A New Family Part 9

Transformation dragon sci-fi family a new family part 9 dramatis personae - ataksak (mother) 41 - negafook (father) 42 - pinga (daughter) 22 other cast -nathan (alpha den historian, colonist) 235 - alessandra (alpha den healer, colonist) 215 - asa

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The Karn Dominion, The Hybrid War, Suzy Gets a Foal

And soon the colonists would arrive to start preparing the newly conquered world for their masters.

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Seeds of Life 4: There's Nothing Out There

The strange goings-on of planet continue to mount, but now it's not just the inexplicable and secret behaviour of the colonists' observers, but of the colonists themselves.

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Names of War

It was a tragedy for both sides. 500,000 human soldiers, 18,800 human colonists , but the loss to the lupines was even worse. rumour has it that the 2 million member army of the lupines committed ritual suicide at the end of the war.
