Mother Of Humanity - 1

"oh, right," melanie sounded a bit crestfallen, but then perked up, "i hope you get it." "we'll see," terry replied, "see ya." "goodbye," melanie responded. ====== "good morning the android said, looking up. "and you are?"

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By Full Moon I Love You

_ he bit his lip as he remembered catching glimpses of yu's crestfallen face when he'd introduce him to his girlfriend at the time. 's..since when did you know?' 'i..i've known since i moved in with you.'

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Ch. 3 -- Chassis

The wolf, looking a bit crestfallen, returned to his place along the wall, blending in and disappearing into the shadows. 'another one?', thought the dragon, then returned to the proprietor.

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Lynn's Discovery

Lynn closed the pages of yet another disappointing novel, crestfallen. teenage romances and happy endings were all she was finding here, in her sister's old room. she had hoped to find something intellectually stimulating in the girl's room.

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Chapter 11: A dark secret unfolds

After ten minutes he emerged with a crestfallen face. "i'm afraid i couldn't locate them." he said. "can't you use your scanner to locate them?" cynder asked.

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World of Flesh II: Coronation

Everything had gone downhill today, from the unexplained absence of her physics lab partner to the rejection of her offer to go out with steven this weekend; she had even heard his friends snickering as she'd walked away, crestfallen.

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My life with blaziken chapter 21

Axel appeared crestfallen, but patrick had a look of betrayal, as if he couldn't believe i had said that. "becky, i th-" he started before i interrupted, "i don't care what you think, i want him gone, now" i said.

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The Auction

.** ** matt looked crestfallen. his legs trembled, and his thoughts flew about madly in his brain like the wheels of a disordered watch.

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Feeding Day: Part 1

Kay looked a little crestfallen before perking up."we could still do some exploring now that everyone's gone if you want?"milo considered it. her bright blue eyes narrowed, her liberally pierced ears drooping.

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Frenzy: Chapter 1

Kay looked a little crestfallen. "we could still do some exploring now that everyone's gone if you want?" she tried. milo considered it. her eyes narrowed, her liberally pierced ears drooped.

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Young love part 2

Steven looked crestfallen "oh... you can smell us?" "yes, i pretty much know you guys got hot and heavy on this sofa last night. which, by the way you could have stopped me sitting on."

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Cherry: Chapter 8 - Meaningful Moments

"if you want," i proposed to the crestfallen feline, "we can watch one of those action movies you've been telling me to see?

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