Tauren Tale, Chapter 6

Arra'chea chewed on her cud and the ground began to tremble and shake. the air filled with the sound of distant hooves. "return to your utankan," the goddess did speak. "do not forget your spear." your destiny awaits you, otaha.

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Rodney and Lauren

As she walked, her cud began to come up and she stopped pulling fresh grass from the earth.

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Alone and Afraid

I signed, coughed up, and started chewing some cud to help pass the time. up until a few months ago i'd been a normal human, or at least had thought i was.

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Elsie's Curse

She swiveled her ears and turned her head as she heard a car driving down the gravel road leading to the dairy, and watched complacently; chewing her cud, as the doors opened and a man she vaguely recognized got out along with a woman.

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Puppy Love

.\>\> almost begged the father but the cud didn't. and after seconds a thin yellow line of piss started to come out of the father's cock tip. everything got covered with warm, stinky urine. the cub couldn't hold it any longer.

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Bondage and Discipline 03

The usual ones sub-adults would see don't show our slave training but do show some of the result; it's ok to show affectionate furrs hugging and cud- dling, supporting and helping society.

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The first few times she'd spat it out, then realized that cattle had to regurgitate their food to chew it again- 'chewing their cud', as the saying went.

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Great Valley Exploration

Had to be some sort of cud chewer flirting. his nose wrinkled as the new male, one of those annoying ones with that heavy bone club and spiked sides, practically melted under whatever topsy was doing.

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Free Milk

"i'll chew my cud later," she replied. "sex now? gotta make you happy." "i guess," talon said. he set aside his half-eaten sandwich and can of soda. then he unfastened her clit chain, sat on the edge of the bed, and said, "well, ummmm...

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Quarantine Zone Chapter 3 (final chapter)

"oh wait, you chew the cud? you're telling me you have like a bunch of stomachs and stuff?" it should have been horrifying, but for some reason it was starting to really amuse me. i guess i was just happy to be with my love again. "yeah it's true.

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The Daisy Chronicles: Meeting

Who took the occasion to chew some cud. i saw some brushes nearby, and maneuvering my chair, was able to start brushing the cow, who let me. i seen the tray of cheese samplers, and grinned, as the cow turned around, letting me brush her other flank.

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A Change in Focus

If i wish to relax, there is our big shade tree to lie under and then having the urge, i chew my regurgitated cud.

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