Oh White! (Part I)

** this is a kind of dairy, i want to tell the experiences with my best friend and my big luck, white, a white hybrid dog.

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Champion Of Jakli

#### chapter 5 champion of jakli dairy log #1: "my name is morrigan carsus. my birth drove the entirety of all science as my father was a dragon, and my mother was a human.

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Asteron's Dairy

Hi potential reader! This is the start of my oc's first full fic. Its takes place in the Rapture Academy universe. If you don't know what that is, its basically a smutty highschool/collage tabletop rpg. There's a link to the rules etc. below if you're...

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Dairy Hunt

She squeezed down on her udder with both hands, causing the milk to erupt from her teats and coat the trees in creamy white dairy. her orgasm went on for what seemed like ages, and it was torture for the young man to watch and not act.

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The Dairy Bar

* * * with a smile of generosity the white scaled paw of the kindly dairy bar owner holds out a vanilla ice cream topped waffle cone to a small white dragon girl.

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Dairy Division

"Move, soldier! What are you, a crawling grub?!" The Legionnaire gave the soldier walked in front of him a rough shove. "Yes, sir! Sorry, Legionnaire Wildgrowl!" The shove propped the lazy-ass soldier to put a spring to his step,...

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Work Affairs

That was josh's current task for the rest of his shift: to fill all of the dairy shelves. what the ferret loved about working in the dairy section was the cold temperature of the room.

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A New Life in a New Body: Charater Bios of Mike and Sherri

Turned 16 and they have no reason to keep me here beyond my word that i did, i put my old dairy in a safe they wouldn't find.

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Rhannah and Halia 9

#9 of rhannah and halia now that rhannah is situated in her new living space, it's time for her to show halia how she does business at her dairy. but, how does a dairy work when your employees are the ones being milked?

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Rhannah and Halia 10

The horse has to admit that she never actually thought of what working at a dairy would entail. still, the whole experience is proving to be quite energizing. things start off rather simple enough.

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The Horrors of Stonebury, Chapter 2

"i'll be working in and around the dairy plant here in stonebury. **don't** drink the milk...or consume anything with dairy in it whatsoever." this time, it was clyde who spoke up, despite his being rather passive about the move until then. "wait.

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