Dane and Noriko: Hangover Cures

_You are really dumb,_ Dane thought to himself as he hammered on the door. _She's gonna kill you. Or worse, fire you._ The door remained closed, and Dane narrowed his eyes at it, as if...

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Taking the cure Chap 2

#11 of pacification center office drone jax the polar bear needs a cure for his temper... while blain the coyote needs help with his bullying of others... lance the pacification tech suckers a handsome dragon in.

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A Cure for a hard day's work

Adult stuff. Male masturbation. 18 years of age. ~nikolai --- He sat quietly tucked away in a corner, tapping on his keyboard, engrossed in a world all his own. He didn't notice the busy-bodies around him, answering phones, alphabetizing...

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Doodle Story: Cure for a Hangover

* * * **doodle story: cure for a hangover** knowing that he felt a chilling draft in his nether regions, several suggestions began to flow through the ursine's mind.

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Commission: The Cure for Cock Blocking

The sudden scamper of padded feet hit the ground where he hurried made his way from one shadowed doorway to another. Trying his best to say out the light of this place despite its constant illumination that these hallways let off. The red eyes of the...

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The cure and the wolf (chapter 2)

We met when we were in seventh grade after my family decided on the cure. i thought for sure he'd turn me away like everyone else who wasn't turned but he was nice and let me vent when i needed to.

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The cure and the wolf (chapter 1)

"the cure was a cure but it altered the double helix of dna and altered the appearance of whoever took it.

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The Cure for Dead Week Finals

Hey all! So, my goal was to write some short and yiffy (not sure that's a proper adjective...oh well), and I wanted to push myself too. Gave myself an hour and 4 pages to work with--so that I had a goal and all that...went a little over--so still need...

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[Cure] Blizzard Bulks Up

#5 of cure just outside of serasota utah a town in the mountains, overlooking the the containment wall, a black suv rolls through the dust under the cloudless sky.

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[Cure] Survivor's Last Stand

It's also where cure sits right now, waiting patiently for me to get another chapter written that can top this one.

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The Corruptive Cure: Part 2

"It'sss been sssuch a long night..." Anti whimpered to himself, yawning deeply as he slid through the various alleyways of the city. His nimble body easily slipped through the darkness, entirely unnoticed by the mass of pedestrians bustling past. Anti...

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The Corruptive Cure: Part 1

I... am your cure." he announced, puffing his chest out with sheer pride at his own words. "wh-what the fuck are you on about-?" the purple symbiote stammered, taking a large step back from anti.

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