Captain M vs. Doomsday Dan

With an exaggerated march the father raccoon walked to the middle of the living room. he stuck his nose up in the air before exclaiming. "it is done! my plans have finally come together! in an hour my life's work will be complete!

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Fables - Animal's Cruelty

He raised his arms up in the sky before letting out an exaggerated "ahhwooooo!" will and jacqueline shrank into a mutual embarrassment and hoped everybody was too busy doing their own thing to look down on their group.

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Blind Date

He can exaggerate." he perched on the edge of the wooden chair as if it was going to bite him, head spinning as she played with a corner of her napkin.

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Research Log [#001]

I'm not even exaggerating. so, another half a million dollars down the drain.

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the green tea space train time travel rap by cheddercheese

Your exaggeration of my exacerbation is nothing compared to my motivation of masturbation, the proposed factory shut down of negotiation, but the spam filter didn't caught it, but thats because i bought it.


Request to the Readers

Not: your character must not have an exaggerated power, like reality warping at will. powers like rewind time and time travel are out of question. overpowered characters will not be accepted. they're powerful but they're not god.

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Heart Breaker

She made a single exaggerated gulp, watching as her boyfriend stared wide eyed at her display. she grinned up at him, stood, then crawled over his body until she had him pinned to the bed.

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Match Making

With each swallow, her already generous curves became even more exaggerated. her hanging, swaying breasts filled out more and more, as her upturned ass became plumper and fuller.

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The Stranger

The pressure forces my mouth open in an exaggerated pucker and i stick my tongue tip out to clean the depths of them like some sort of anteater. i can hear his heart in my ears, his slow, steady breathing. like a rock, this man.

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Manhattan Midnight Monster Strikes Again (Question)

"it's probably just exaggerated mama." "why would they do that for!?" "for ratings mama, they do a lot of it, all just for ratings." "all that, just to sell a paper!?" "yes mama.

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Trucking Along 003

In any event, the important part is that they are all collapsed in exaggerated exhaustion while geffroy stares on in terror.

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What We Hold Dear

Well, maybe that was an exaggeration but still. as i stepped out of the front door, i saw my neighbor jack dillon walking towards me. - morning thomas. i hope you had a good night's sleep! he said. - yeah, i guess i did. how's erica by the way?
