Kayla: Forces in Movement

"excalibur! excalibur, lieutenant za`kira is down! i need to get her out of here, now!", he shouted over the bursts of phaser fire, fully alerting the ships and those on earth that the situation had reached it's boiling point.

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An Endless Voyage: ch:2

     natalie had released tom from sick bay yesterday, around 1900 hours excalibur standard tima.  she had completed agnes' surgery to remove the bullet an hour earlier, but kept the husky overnight to be safe. 

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The Naughty Nook

She then winds the rest of its length about the base of his raging draco excalibur!

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Settling In

She was really on excalibur, really living with the aces.and maya seemed much like she had imagined her all those tormented nights. 

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File #13 - "Epilogue"

Agamemnon, an excalibur class vessel in onroute to rendezvous with parts and engineering supplies needed to repair the republic as the new "body" for this entity known only as "warrior".

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Inner feelings and Secrets.

Steele stands with the legendary blade excalibur in his hands, now fully revealing why his family was murdered all those years ago and now has the chance have vengeance.

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Epilogue (Act2, Book1, Chapter10)

"the name of this sword, if i recall correctly, is excalibur?" inari nodded. "hai. excalibur and clarent.

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character bio: Karen (detailed)

Maya of course dealt with the rapist, that was karen's dad, then spirited karen away to excalibur before the store could find the body and call the police. 

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Project Guardian: chapter 3: project Excalibur.

"i present, project excalibur." he pulled the cover off the cage, revealing a sleek female lizard that was 5 feet tall and completely naked, in front of her was a male fox dressed in an orange prisoner uniform.

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An Endless Voyage continued ch 16

"your dad and mine are both from dixie, yet your dad seems more concerned with excalibur." grace said. "why?" "pa sees the big picture." may said.

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