3 - In Harm's Way

Her face went pale as she heard another grenade go off, elsewhere in the building, and it didn't sound like a flashbang.

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Red Winter: The Other Side of the Coin

"got it," said a black fox armed with a m3 as he pulled an m84 flashbang grenade off of his bandolier, while the wolf armed with the other m3 across from him readied the detonator to the breaching charge.

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Training of Thought [Patron Reward]

As he got nearer, the readout on his heads-up display blasted into his vision like a flashbang. he was used to it by this point, never getting dazzled by the deluge of information. "it's going to be a bypass this time!" taig said quickly.

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Ch.5-First Steps

The sound of everything went into a piercing ring as a flashbang went off nearby. clutching his rifle tight he kept himself sprinting forward as fast as he could.

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All in a Days Work Pt.2

Though it could be the booze talking but somehow dating a lion with a prick the size of his smallest claw could hold par to smashing through a window with nothing but a knife and a few flashbangs and still coming out with only a minor burn to the arm was pretty

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Red and Gold

Emitting a thundering bellow, its wings unfurled, stretching wide and erecting to their fullest extent, and its tail suddenly blazed to a contrast of blinding intensity, flashbanging the entire cavern with white hot light.

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When the Grid Became Real: part 1

As red finished locking the shackles on blue, seven white suited people entered the scene, using a couple of flashbangs. blue knew what was to happen next. he was grabbed by the waist and hoisted over someone's shoulder.

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The City VI

He pointed and said, "flashbangs and nine bangs don't work on them, you know. they have the, what's it, trauma shielding for the eyes. cancels out the effect." copp looked up and grinned.

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File #13

He grabbed his head with his paws, feeling like somebody had let off a flashbang right next to him. his senses overloaded. then there were the feelings...

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Thief: An Otter's Tale Sequel

Alexis replied by handing jorin a flashbang. the flashbangs were nothing more than some explosive chemical wrapped up tightly in thin paper. jorin didn't understand the science behind them, he just knew they worked. for a moment, anyway.

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The Farm Pt. 5

The sun had started to sink towards the horizon by the time winter threw a pair of un-capped jerry cans into the pit followed by a flashbang.

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A Dragon's Tale: The Star's Journey- Chapter 22- Range Time

'body armor", hudson said, grenades, flashbangs, claymores, smg's, nv, winter and jungle gear for russia and vietnam... am i missing anything?"

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