Two against the world (Ep 3)

higgins, wolford, robbery at the bike store at the rain forest district.manchez, hills, patrolling. hopps, wilde, stakeout job. you shall join me at the office for more information.

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The Wet Journeys of Mareen, Prologue: The First Hunt

To their left silently sat delia and higgins. across from them hodges, quietly waiting for the meeting to start and seemingly disinterested at mareen sitting next to him.

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[Commission] Claiming Their Prize

Commissioned by hiddenxibalba another story in the tentatively-dubbed toy-verse, which started with higgins' special commendation.

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Zootopia - Life of a trio - Chapter 8

However, before they could surround the van, it turned right, hitting mchorn and higgins on its way, making them crash into some parked cars and disappearing though an alley.

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Zootopia - Trying to move on - Chapter 6: Past and future

higgins, you are with snarloaf and wolfur. mchorn and trunkerbee, you have patrol together. grizzoli, you are in the johnson's case with delgato and fangmeier. at this, the bunny and white wolf looked at each other.

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Subject #5 Part 4

"sir, your needed in the conference room," colonel higgins said. "be right there, end log." recording end felicity i arrived at the dorm, and set my backpack down.

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Penelope Clark Reference and Information.

Penelope had no control over being transported with her sister to earth, as well as being placed into higgin's orphanage after their parents did not male it to earth. 34. what wakes this character in the middle of the night?

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The Royal Harvest, Chapter 1

"i'm pretty tied up at the moment higgins, handle it!" "cargo 1726, this is intergalactic space patrol 14. you are jamming identifiers, please identify and state your intentions." "captain, it's igsp." "fuck! i'll be right there!"

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Team Bonding with Nick and Judy

Trunkaby had pulled down one of the moveable shower-heads and was holding it with her trunk, directing the powerful flow of water directly at her clit, while close by she could see both pennington and higgins simply standing beneath shower-heads of their own

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Playing in the Back Pew

higgins. "he went to go say hello to mr. and mr. higgins, want to go get a seat?" i asked. nodding she said "sure, that sounds good." leading her into the back pew i whispered, "a little advice, don't let two horses double team you.

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Mutt Part 9

I won't give you as rough as a fuck as i gave higgins the other day. he's just an employee, not family." he said with a chuckle as he slowly long dicked me making sure he played my prostate like a bow on a fiddle.

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Two against the world 16-20

I bet it was higgins!" everyone laughed and higgins gave smirk back and spoke. "your mother came up with that one! he suggested the name while we-" "easy there higgins!" fangmeyer warned with challenging grin, ready to wrestle.

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