Mystic Heart Odyssey - Chapter 31

Her gaze flicked between him and the medallion for a moment. "ye kin actually _do_ tha'?" he nodded, then closed his eyes and concentrated for a moment.

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How I Found It All: Part VI

It was the medallion that i found in the lake earlier. i noticed before that there was writing in daedric dialect, but took it for granted. i realized then that this was one of the pieces that marbles would wear. it was her dead eye medallion.

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book X Chapter 19

One of his hands scratched the chest, claws nibbling at the charred flesh near the medallion that kept itching without mercy.

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Furr: The Inner Shadow Chapter 1

He secretly made his way to the secret chamber where the shadow medallion was beign kept hoping he wasn't followed and started to use his magic on the medallion.

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Wolf Unbound - Act I

The jewellery is once more a functioning medallion. he then walks over to his dressing mirror and puts the twine over his head, letting the talisman fall onto his chest.

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A New Guardian

His hand squeezed tighter over the medallion, and the goat let out a surprising groan. "hey, hey, unless you're wanting to get me off, stop squeezing that thing so hard." "squeezing - what do you mean?" "that medallion.

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Tales of Redstreak Chapter 10

medallion asks. "for once it's mainly good news i bring." he looks seriously at coaldust. "redstreak is alive." "alive, shi's alive?" coaldust collapses as medallion goes to hir.

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What happens at night

The medallion worked? he reaches for the leather strap holding the mystical medallion, only to realize it wasn't there. he shrugs, making a mental note to search for it later. however, now, he would focus on his mate in a new, almost predatorial way.

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The Chosen

"since your uncle has passed into the realm of spirits, you are now the medallion's keeper." she drew back a claw. turquoise lightning shot forth, engulfing my entire body.

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The Survivor: Chapter 1: "You'll be our legacy, Elian"

"this medallion is... cough... my legacy to you. the promise you have to keep... is... be whole in your ways, tira. follow what you mean is right... and for all...

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"_since your uncle has passed into the realm of spirits,_ **_you_** _are now the medallion's keeper."_ she drew back a claw. turquoise lightning shot forth, engulfing my entire body.

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Tales of Redstreak Chapter 3

Though the doctor told medallion and coaldust to keep an eye on redstreak for the next week. coaldust drove them home since medallion had to work today. "it's sad coal.

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