Voice of the Fallen

#3 of musings of a minstrel 18+ only: no, i'm not lying. sex does happen. so does violence. and all that jazz. the notebook in front of me lay empty, the blank lines staring back eagerly as if awaiting something.

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Nathan and the Stallion Ch. 3 The Bard

The horse considered the request for a moment before sighing heavily, ascertaining no serious threat from the vulpine minstrel. "he can come," he stated.

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Refuge In Refraction: Chapter One

"my master, minstrel, specifically sought me and my adopted sister, ophelia, out, because of our ability to read the old language." she braced herself on the podium as she felt a twinging in her stomach.

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A Spectral Étude

#2 of musings of a minstrel 18+ only: sex happens. violence, language, all that noise. i've seen this place before, i'm sure of it. i knew this was the dreamworld, this subconscious place that i often found myself in when asleep.

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Emerald Secrets Chapter 3: The Ladies Hoard

Mira brought them to an open area with numerous large tables, with a group of brightly clad minstrels playing on various wood instruments, and drums.

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To milk a fairy

She is so pretty and such good entertainment," a crowd laughed above the minstrel's joyful music. lounging as one would in a bath; the fairy hung a leg over the side of the glass, the cherry dangling from a tiny hand.

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Leurheart (Chapter 9)

Rildel, my master in the minstrel arts, warned me to stay away from them... turns out he was right... i think the king is trying to stop us from doing something." i said and looked at blaine. "what could we do to harm him...?"

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HoA Chapter 13: At the Brink

minstrels playing at a lively pace, the typical drunkards harassing the waitresses, though several patrons had fallen asleep at their tables and the bar was vacant, except for the tender who gave him a friendly wave over.

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Thrown Back: Chapter 6

It was soon accompanied by the soft thudding sound as two of the minstrels started to beat the drums with their drops of their tails so the noise was hushed instead of the loud beating of earlier.

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Leurheart II (Chapter 3)

She too happens to be a former apprentice of rilder and according to raynald she is also an ex minstrel, but she later on got addicted to power and abandoned her old ways in exchange for a greater dark power.

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Legend of the thunder lord

He had a quest to fill and yet he wanted to pass time in each villages, listening to the tales of the bards and minstrels; sometime, ithastus thought that yuuril was nothing more than an oversized child, making his presence necessary.

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He first caught with the rooster minstrel, who ushered him in the rest of the way. he walked and talked with alan, until asked what was so urgent. " i was called into prince johns. and he threatened foul things on me.

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