The Ordeals of Verdori Green: Ordeal One

This makes his knees shake as he watches the animation on the final monitor.

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Surprise!! - A Birthday Collaboration

Only the taste of his mate's pre - or the guidance of his deft claws - could hold the monitor's attention.

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Show Off

On a table in the open space at the end of the room, a desktop computer and monitor were set up, with the monitor turned toward the lockers, and a small sphere on top of the monitor pointing toward the couple.

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Grentail Manor Chapter 5

As lord grentail followed susila in, the monitor asked, "did you make this?" the dragon grinned. "i did," he affirmed, "i call it a mobile motel.

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[Chapter 5] The Observation

She looks at the monitor and sees 139kgs. veloski can't believe his eyes, there tiffany was, swollen and pent up like she said she becomes once stimulated.

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Christmas Cretaceous CTF

The monitor lizard was wrapped in a baggy coat-and-sweatshirt combo and a pair of jeans.

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A Tail of Beastians - Pre-Prologue and Prologue

So when i say don't worry, i mean it," garret said this without blinking, or taking his eyes off the monitor. not totally reassured, markus decided to drop the subject. "better get some rest.


Credence - CH 1

Alarms on the heart monitor that the medical staff placed on him started going off and the brain monitor showed no activity.

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Pokemon Boarding School: Under-Stairs Assault

If anything this discovery made it more arousing for the normally aloof and strict monitor.

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Rictus Cenotaph: Chapter 4 - Dreamscape

"i did not realize--" "that there was a monitor? do not be silly, of course there is! i am the monitor assigned to installation theta/iota. i will now scan the structure for any detectable flood."

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Hit and Run

The heart monitor jumped before they could shut it off. "doctor? the heart monitor just pulsed." "it might have just been a glitch. shut it down." i focused harder and felt the pull dragging me closer to my body.

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Grentail Manor Chapter 1

The bee was again a blur of activity, clearing the monitor's dishes onto the trolley.

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