Raven Wolf - Book 02 - Chapter 12

mort, good to see you. how are things back home for you?" general mort fixes his collar, the heat not the only thing getting to him. "things are well, i'm defiantly in no shortage of work." he looks back to bernard.

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Raven Wolf - Book 03 - Chapter 07

General mort moves to the front of the room as he gets right down to business. "an opportunity has presented itself to us."

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Chapter 7: What you don't know...

mort picked his keys off the table. tobias stepped back into his thoughts. mort leaned against the door and stared out through the glass, summer lay before him, distant clouds rose and time seemed to be distorted and out of joint.

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Raven Wolf - Book 01 - Chapter 05

Teddy looks over to zack, though he knew louis to be general mort's first name is had never heard anyone call him by it or any variation of it before. "you're on a first name bases with general mort?"

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Raven Wolf - Book 04 - Chapter 02

Vaan looks over everyone as they stare at mort in disbelief. "really... i'm the only one that noticed this?" dolly looks back up to captain mort. "if you're a captain that means you're a field soldier again.

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West Islands Chapter 2: Enemies from the Past

"of course," mort chimed in. "follow me." ~~~~~ the group was taken to mort's home, at the center of town closest to the docks.

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Raven Wolf - Book 01 - Chapter 04

The guard that had questioned general mort looks back to the group counting the heads he had available. "alright then that's one to each room.

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Raven Wolf - Book 02 - Chapter 10

"general mort, i found a heavily encrypted message that appeared through communications about thirty eight hours ago. i just finished de-coding it and i think that you may want to hear it." general mort looks from his work.

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Raven Wolf - Book 05 - Chapter 12

mort shakes his head no, that's not really why he is here.

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Nyx Switch Chapter 12: IT’S LIKE A VACATION

mort offered to walk her back to their room immediately, but she insisted on mort finishing his fruit and drink before he did, which he did, eating as quick as he could without choking.

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Quatrième rituel. A story about love.

Le lendemain matin, une nouvelle femme était morte, à l'identique, à l'opposé de la première. elles ne se connaissaient pas, rien en commun, sinon la mort. camille était encore vexé, il se forçait de ne pas regarder agone, et ne disait rien.

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