
Alone in his burrow a grey rat stirred. He wasn't hungry and he was very much tired. But why wasn't he asleep? The rat found that. . . every time he shut his lids, two golden orbs stared stare right back.The eyes of a cat? Of a snake? The rat himself...

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X: Dei et Machinae

"Thou Shalt Not Make Wrongful Use of the Name of the Lord Thy God." That's the Third Commandment, and that was my contribution to the "X" anthology, now out from Sofawolf Press. We're able to post them now, so here it is, for your reading...

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Joan Deer

She was mourning a sister and a niece, mourning family more than fallen stars. it was in an industrial area that the scents woke her, startled. fear! deer! wolves! but by then it was late. she turned, and two of them were there.

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Companions Chapter 25: Showdown

Everyone, i'm sorry for doing this to all of you, but if parceph is right about mourne, then i think we have a fighting chance. mourne has never done me wrong." "if this is just about garson," said daniel, "why did mourne involve all of us?

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Companions Chapter 17: Order

I am mourne." i gasped. "it is a tremendous honor to meet you, mourne. i am your wraith." "ha! ha! ha!" he whinnied uproariously. "how absolutely marvelous! i am very pleased to meet you, wraith. very pleased indeed."

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Pride goeth before a fall

**Author's Note:** _I decided to include the end of the last chapter as reminder of where we are (as it were) rather than starting from the new material._ _Gunhilda, in addition to following the "G" naming convention is a "meaningful name" as it is...

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Companions Chapter 21: Josh

"please take us to mourne," i said. "i will do no such thing!" snorted the sentinel. "mourne is extremely busy. i can do my job without bothering him.

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The Mourning After - Chapter 12 (Moving On)

#13 of malakye's story - part 3 (the mourning after) this is the final chapter of the 'moving on' arc of the story and we finish it up with callidus trying to juggle all his responsibilities in addition to arranging the hunt for the demon.

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The Mourning After - Chapter 11 (Moving On)

#11 of malakye's story - part 3 (the mourning after) a little later than i had planned but here it is! chapter 11! so in this chapter we are back with aceh who has taken reece into his care and continues to run the dojo.

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The Mourning After - Chapter 10 (Moving On)

#10 of malakye's story - part 3 (the mourning after) xavier finally returns to zangar to give his report. what will kaldor do when he hears that demon is running loose in the mountains?

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The Mourning After - Chapter 9 (Moving On)

#9 of malakye's story - part 3 (the mourning after) we're back with laguna as he prepares to go back on duty at the northern outpost.

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The Mourning After - Chapter 8 (Moving On)

#8 of malakye's story - part 3 (the mourning after) this chapter gives the main story line a kick start, and will give you a glimpse as to how it is going to go. i hope you all enjoy it.

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