The Furry's Burden

I wanted to be free--from a society of cheats, preachers, and smiling thieves. and to never form attachments that would later make me grieve.


Bar Jocks: Story Two, Part 3

He hooked his thumb to the guy, who wasn't paying attention to the action and instead curling a heavy preacher bar. "really?" "yeah." he calculated something with his fingers.

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The Path To Feeling Like A Nun

The church was in session as the preacher said it's religious speech. "and so, we are all on this great planet of ours thanks to our lord and savior. he who forgave man for their sins, and was punished for it.

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Father Like Son

That old preacher always beat that thought into his head, and he believed him, but not now. not when the hand currently squeezing his ass just felt so right.

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preachers, and prophets, push truth like drugs. my mind feels gross like slimy slugs. i'm confused, and used, so used, so, can't i sleep forever tonight? i'm too tired tonight, and i've fucked up again.

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A Thorny Love Story Part 1

One day a preacher moved to town and slowly, the townsfolk found their opinions about the fox becoming tainted. the preacher's teachings pushing his own negative bias onto the people of the town.

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Remove the Head

As preacher says to flock at dawn, "these deadly sins, you shall not take into your vocabulary, not by me!"

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The Raging Hounds Chapter I: The Misfit

"look pal...don't think you are one of us just cuz winters and preacher are being nice to you. preacher does it cuz it's his job as our makeshift chaplain, and winters -most likely- just wants to fuck your brains you." the wolf said.

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Small World Ch 1: Cube Farm

preacher, actually a priest named father deacon hagan, relayed his time as the vicar of the curch of st.

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Furry Friendly Preaching And Poetry

My god would condemn the religious, and bar the doors of churches, condemning the bitter words of sour preachers. i believe in this god, my god, today.

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A Fox Behind Bars part 21

The preacher was a stern looking wolf with a graying muzzle that would have made him look distinguished if it wasn't for the permanent frown etched into his face.

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