A New Start As A Trainer/Chapter 30:

Lucas called, seeing that lucario was now at the advantage as he was now running on the ground towards the sitting psyduck (poke humor....you get it?) mark, now seeing imminent defeat, just sighed and decided to try and go out with a bang at least.

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Strong Wolf Chronicles part 2 - Plans

However, i've heard that fishing here can get you a few more interesting species, such as psyduck, which is another one of those pokemon that always fascinated me (i mean, c'mon, it gets headaches capable of hurting stuff!)

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Naive Curiosity

There'd been a few ivysaurs; a few geodude hanging around the ruins, one psyduck, and a band of cyndaquil. nothing had really caught his attention-he'd already caught those pokémon, and had no interest in them.

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Chapter 16: More trouble...

But storm took to it like a psyduck to water.

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Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Lavender Town and Celadon City Gym

Exploring further was a pokemon maniac who sent out a charmeleon and as much as it would be interesting to battle with my charmeleon there were smarter choices and so i substituted for my psyduck whose water pulse overpowered the charmeleon's ember and knocked

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Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Exploring and Catching

Moving on through route 17, i was then challenged by the trainers that awaited me, the first one being a camper who challenged me with two psyducks, but i used my newest jolteon and defeated them both with a powerful spark.

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This was misty's; and he was one hell of a far cry from the bumbling imbecile he was when he was a psyduck. he slid to a stop next to misty and dutifully bowed. "filters are deactivated, heating grill is warming as we speak." he said.

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Becoming a star

Zack looked carefully and said, "a grilled psyduck with tai hot peppers then." thank you ser, and maim your entree will be ready shortly." the waitress said.

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Isolated Chapter 2

In the lake, psyduck's and feebas swam around happily. jay heard a voice from within the air, "hello, human, what brings you here?". jay stood astonished as he tried to figure out how a charizard just spoke to him.

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Even compared to the rest of my team (betty the machop, krillin the bidoof, kagome the starly, and moose the psyduck), momo was somehow... special. it might have been because it took longer for momo to warm up to me compared to the others.

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MoN - Ch. 2: A Day of Cheer and Pain

He remembered his cyndaquil following him around like a young psyduck would follow its mother. they formed a strong bond and became very good friends.

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Mistress Cyn part:1 The translator.

"ms cynthia what did you honestly expect, a large bleeping handheld device or maybe a genetically modified miniature psyduck that would go inside your ear."

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