Invasion of the Hypnosnakes! (Chapter 4)

If their commander, seros averin, was to be believed, then this was a mission of mercy, albeit of the strangest sort. being hunted by mind-controlling snakes was hardly very uplifting.

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Intermission 3: Once Unrequited

We glide through the grasslands, each long, swift stride taking us closer to the beating heart of the empire. Skirting past each town, we conceal ourselves from the wandering eyes of the resident dragonkin in the very terrain that they inhabit. Long,...

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Chapter 9: Potential Allies

The two of us stride onwards, the sun setting behind us as we journey further east. Rays of crimson streak through the sky, painting the violet clouds with hues of fiery orange. The gaze of my silent companion is ever directed forward, though he...

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Chapter 8: Tidings

I never noticed how close Hearth was to the palace. I can see it, barely, in the shimmering horizon. I've made good time, plodding steadily southwards as I allow my mind to wander. I worry for Rel, but so far I have I resisted my urge to heedlessly...

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Chapter 7: Soft Hearts

I sit in stunned silence, still woozy from the copious amounts of alcohol I drank during the feast. Zerius stares at the three imperial guards, clenching his fists and looking tense. Turning to Zerius, they level their swords at him, the guard in the...

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Intermission 2: Intersecting Paths

I see him as he walks. The shadows wrap around me, like a cloak. A cloak of darkness through which no eye can pierce. He does not see me. I step from shadow to shadow as easily as one would stroll along an open road. My brothers accompany me, fellow...

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I ascend the decrepit staircase, softening my steps as much as I can manage. The old, unmaintained wood squeals in derision as my weight is shifted from foot to foot. Anxious that this place will fall apart from underneath me, I hasten my steps....

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Chapter 6: Peace and Prejudice

I stare into a cloudy, featureless void, glimpses of memories and moments flashing through my vision. I relive strange, warped versions of my past, the dreamstate twisting my thoughts into a caricature of emotions. The moment is fleeting however, as I...

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Chapter 5: The North

The wind howls around me, a chilling gale sweeping the fabric of my outfit about as I pull it tight around my shivering body. My breath comes in short gasps, a cloud of mist rising with every exhalation. The wind had kicked up a little while ago, with...

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Chapter 4: Rivalries

The air slowly turns cold as we ascend the rolling slopes before us. The cliff face that served as our guide has long scattered into a rippling of rocks, echoing outwards into the plains as we make our way northeast. Zerius leads the way, for lack of...

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Chapter 3: A Sliver of Divinity

A vibration courses through my body. Energy and vitality reverberates through every fiber of my being, flooding me with a thrumming sensation of power. In the midst of this, I feel a presence manifesting in my psyche. As best as I can muster, I focus...

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Chapter 2: Reliquary of the Divine Dragon

I am floating alone in a murky, grey fog. An apparition appears before me, my mind struggling to recognize its form. It is similar to a dragonkin, with a streamlined head ending in a flat snout, but it's body is long and serpentine, twisting this way...

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