The Galactic Civil War Pt1

The federation carrier took several hits from the saratoga's bombers; warren flew straight at the enemy bridge, strafing it with fire, the enemy carrier had enough and jumped out.

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Rudys Journey 4

Eseck strafed a group of wrick foot troops with his fighter. the wolf saw a couple of feline shuttles land letting out feline troops.

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Vergewaltigten....'' er unterbricht meinen satz als er mir mitten ins gesicht schlägt und so meine nase bricht dann lässt er mich fallen und sagt: '' los geh auf deinen platz , warte dort bis ich es dir erlaube und währenddessen überlege ich mir eine passende strafe

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Fütterungszeit IV - Nur ein Spielzeug

Vielleicht hatte sein meister die strafe ja schon vergessen. dieser stand vor dem fuchs und sah runter auf seine nasse hose. "merk dir das: du hast deinem meister zu gehorchen..." der stier ballte eine faust.

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The Dark Fair, chapter 2: Kyle

_ with his only light source extinguished, kyle tried to strafe forward in complete darkness. each meter had to be gained in great effort, and each time the bunny was leaving behind pieces of clothes, to be dissolved in this alien location.

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Wasted thoughts of you

It aggravated him that his drunken friends could hook up and sober, he could not stop getting strafed on the ground by chicks he wanted to hit on. he gave up later in the night and was left to obscurity at a corner table.

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Delta Chronicles ch.4

Blood poured from the insurgents open wounds as the blackhawk passed over and over again strafing the insurgents with the minigun. jack signaled the team to move forward and scout the area. "hawk, this is fallen angel, what's on the thermal scanner?"

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Chapter 2 This might not have been a good idea

Was the fox's only response as he stood his ground now, the wolf grinned maliciously glaring intently on the fox, strafing slowly around keeping the tip of his knife trained forward.

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Project Preview: Icarus II

The ghosts had circled and strafed around him like a pack animal, their riders hoisting blade tipped spears at the ready above their heads.


Niki vs Clair 2

Posted using postybirb two wet and nearly naked ladies strafe each other in the fountain, surrounded by a slowly gathering crowd.

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The Spyro Chronicles Chapter 5: The power of love

Two of the lakadors were hit by the strafing run and were literally torn in half by the heavy rounds. karson took advantage of the situation and hit the other lakador in the stomach.

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How should I know? Chapter 5: Am I going down the right path?

I saw this and strafe spun around to my right leaving my right claw out as she charge pass me for the second time only to land and slide across the ground.

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