
tick... tock... tick... tock... never before have i been so capable to be able to compare my bedroom clock... to a hideous metronome.

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09 - Tumble Weeds

Crisp," the red tick-tock brother ventured, "what is it that you do for a living?"

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The Slayer and the Sphinx: Chapter Twenty

tick asked. "don't let the meat burn," was all he said. tick got to his feet to go after him, but sarah put a paw on his shoulder, stopping him. "let him have some time to himself," she said. "he needs to figure things out."

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Cloudy Waters Mansion - Part 2

He put the thing to 30bpm and let it tick from side to side. the fox shut his eyes and concentrated on the slow, monotone ticking of the metronome.

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The Slayer and the Sphinx: Chapter Twenty One

He looked up just as tick came waddling back to them, his pockets so full of fruit that it made it hard for him to walk. the fabric was already starting to turn purple from the juice. "oh, tick!"

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Christmas Special 2018

"aaaand alsooooo a buuuuuunch offfff--" "tick tock, time's up!" the author shouted. grinning sadistically, tick stood up on santa's lap, spun around so his tail slapped him in the face, and raced away.

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Limited Endless Time

Hope you didn't sleep-in before reading this :p look upon the ever ticking time clockthe world's most limitless source of powerbe wary my friend for this is a shock in unending river is ever rockrisen up on the stream as a towerlook upon the ever ticking

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Seleno Chapter 2: Changing Perspective

'tick tock tick tock tick tock' the clock continued its countdown... i was sitting in biology staring at said clock, as the time before the end of school dwindled. tick tock tick tock.

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The BolanderBooks 2016 Christmas Special

"what is it, tick?" porter asked. tick pulled out a hairbrush. "just what i've... always wanted," he said. "it's for your tail," eve said, looking down at her knees again.


September Prairie

_tick-tick-tick-tick..._not yet, he didn't hear the word, or words, not all at once.

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The Slayer and the Sphinx: Chapter Thirteen

tick exclaimed again. a wide, open field ran around the base of the tower, and a swirling, chaotic rainbow of colors shimmered in the bright sunlight.

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Voices of the Silenced

Away i knew the risks of choosing this path but why must it feel like i can't move like the burdens of the world are slowly chaining me down feels like the nights are slowly passing by minutes feeling like eternity like a clock tick tick tick its

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