Limited Endless Time

Look upon the ever ticking time clockThe world's most limitless source of powerBe wary my friend for this is a shock In unending river is ever rockRisen up on the stream as a towerLook upon the ever ticking time clock Travel down to the city with a...

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Juno's escape. Part one

He wouldn't eat breakfast this morning, he had over over overslept his alarm by half an hour and did not have much time before he had to be at work. he didn't even have time to take a shower.

Through the Looking Glass: Chapter 1-B

This alarmed banjo as he realized that he had overslept again. the bear promptly jumped out of the bedsheets, running into the adjoining kitchen and rummaging through the cabinet the way he would every time he overslept. "sorry, sorry!"

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A Charr and his Thoughts Part 1 - The Secret

"i'm sorry, sir, i overslept a lit.." "you overslept? how dare you? now go find something to eat before i eat you! meanwhile i will superior an appropriate punishment for you, maggot. now step out of my sight!" "yes, sir!"

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Assassin: Part 2

I cracked open an eye open and saw q standing over me, he was already dressed and i realized to my horror that i must have overslept, something i was guilty of quite often.

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losing hope ch.5

,'' he shouts, ''i overslept sir,'' i sigh ''that's no ecxuse now your ass out on that track'', ''yes sir,' i say outside i see conner jogging with the others i run to catch up, once i do i cover his eyes ''so, how was your morning,'

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The moth Chronicles #1: discovery chapter 1.

"overslept, right?" "it is alright, young moth," yuppie replied. "at least you have time for breakfast." "thanks, yuppie!" he then cheerfully flies out of his room and into the kitchen.

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Chapter 54: Full Intuition in Dreamless Sleep.

That is why he overslept and i felt sorry for him." amelia sighed as well. "at least, he is back a bit." al gave a tongue to her. by the time he almost finish the meat, andromon called him.

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Cold-Hearted: Part 8

"sorry, i had a rough night and overslept," i said as she finally sighed and looked at me, judging me just like she always did.

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Teaser: The Painted and the Plain

Nobody in his family got much sleep, and on the morning of the final exam bakari overslept. when he didn't meet her at the usual spot, pep assumed he was impatient to get to school.

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Summer Lust, part four

I dunno, i kinda overslept. i'll take a shower and go. why?" he asked back through a mouthful of waffles. -"the movers will get the rest of the heavy stuff in today, i thought you could help." -"meh." replied he.

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Solomon Returns Home

"good heavens- i've overslept," she thought. however, this wouldn't be in vain, as her door's bell was heard. "i'm up, i'm up," she said as she peeked through the glass. "purple hair, red eyes... it's him, solomon," she thought.

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