What's a bear to do.

I know you know what im talking about, and enough of this vague tip-toeing around it. i want you to say it. say what you are, kevin."   kevin groaned and laid his head on the desk for a second.

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A Commission Birthing Nightmare Ein's Heart Day

The bodies of children against her protruding heart was one thing, it was almost normalized, but seeing their vague squirming squishy forms travel and traverse through her body was an entirely different thing.

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Foxy and Kitty- Episode 15

#15 of foxy and kitty kitten sat staring blankly out of her apartment window, vaguely pondering that it probably wasn't healthy to not do anything for weeks.

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The Lead Crown: Ch 2c, Revelations (pt 1)

It was made out of a combination of timber and stone blocks, vaguely resembling what looked like an attempt at soyrian architecture, but failing to meet the goal.

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Dragon of Déjà vu

His memory of the other was always vague and hazy being the nature of dreams. this was his power. after several days of comparing the landscapes, he and his mate became convinced it was truly the case.

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Procurement... A big jock Antelope finds himself in a tough situation... This was a story scape Charn brought to me and we worked into a story...

He could vaguely feel the hooks now, the solid metal curlicues jutting through his nut meat. 'who was there?' with his eye's still tightly clenched, the antelope tried to pretend he was still unconscious.

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A Light in the Dark

Atlas made a vaguely affirmative, still very confused noise. "uh... huh...?" walking over to her bed, jarzyl slumped down on the mattress. "it's because the sudden bright light makes them all confused.

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Lonely Old Roscoe

The fox inquired, vaguely concerned that he may have done something wrong. "how to do this. come here and kneel above me, mister roscoe."

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Chronicles of the Tetrad Chapter 1: Guide

Gaea, the earth one which you vaguely feel existed, was long ago. perhaps you remember humanity, the mostly hairless beings that stood on two legs and had thumbs.

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It's Better Than Losing

The larger and the smaller went their seperate ways, leaving yellowfang sitting there, looking vaguely lost.

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Luchas could see the deep blue fur, the vague shape of fingers, and a forearm which more resembled one of his own fingers now rather than an arm enter his vision.

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The Moonweaver Chronicles part 9

The naga came in at that moment, i wondered vaguely if she had heard me. though she didn't appear to have ears. "my name is rin, by the way, i suppose i forgot to tell you that." "i'm alkain" i told her quickly, introducing myself.

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