Taurine's Night Shift - Chapter 1

And since this is a dissident love story, there just might be some fun, naughty times to be had along the way. i won't explain the premise too much, but this first chapter should tell you most of everything you need to know.

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Grrlfriend Experience (Parts 1 to 3)

"he works hard all week, long hours, slaving away, and then he's dragged through airport after airport, just to land in my loving arms!" jenelle's eyes sparkled. "yes," she agreed, stonefaced. "your arms." "you hush.

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Chilling Out (A Scene)

"you fellas haven't gotten any loving lately. well, don't worry... you'll love doreene. you might love stuart, too, but, well... tight is tight, but that's a butt you could use to flatten pennies."

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Temple of Bloom (Finale)

"love others." kimmi's nodding stopped, and shi blinked. "ah. uhm... what?

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Temple Of Bloom (Part 1 to4)

Shi felt accepted, and more than anything shi felt loved, the dizzying, all-encompassing love shi'd scarcely dreamed possible.. "i don't know." "i like it." "me too." "i love you." "i love you more."

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Grrlfriend Experience (Parts 4 - 6)

Shi wasn't here to fall in love with him, shi was just here to make him happy. which shi was. which didn't change the fact that now he wanted to make _hir_ happy.

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Grrlfriend Experience (Parts 7 to 9)

"as much as i'd love to just give you the smooshing treatment," shi said in a lecture-hall tone, "i think we'd be better off if we got somewhere... softer."

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Amber - Part 9 - Child Of The City

Amber's 69 first dates part 9 - child of the city by dissident love copyright may 2013 all characters contained herein are unfortunately fictional.

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First Chapters: Shiloh's Vacation

Shi knew hir lovely legions of consorts were doing their best to keep hir satisfied, but there was only so much they could do for hir these days.

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La Curandera IV: The Last Crusade

Hir paws stroked lovingly at hir belly, for shi truly did love all of the sensations that now inundated hir too-sharp senses.

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