A man and his dog.

"glad...see...you" she said in broken english, her tongue hanging out as she panted happily at him. jakes mouth fell open as he heard her speak, but somehow wasn't as surprised as he thought he would be.

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Ling said in her best, but still horribly broken english. \<"like that, mister ba?"\> she added, and finished it off with a poutingly cute smile. it was probably the cute smile that made sheng's expression soften. he sighed and nodded.

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Finding My Husband in Another World Season 1 Chapter 6: Running Again

I looked at the letter and gasped it was written in a combination of broken english and french that i instantly recognized. "my dearest tiger, it seems you're getting quite the reputation.

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Vvevv's Box

I want play with eevee" max said in broken english. he starts petting vvevv and rubbing his crotch. vvevv wanted to move and interfere, but he remembers what tysiin told him.

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The older woman inquired in broken english. "what would you like, will?" the tiger looked over at the lion who was staring intently at the selection. "i like strawberry." will's tail swayed behind him thumping against rama's leg.

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The Princess Rides

He was silenced as four others goblins walked up, and then he looked back at her, dropping back into his gruff, rough tone of broken english, "now take you back to king, and king be glad we no eat you, and we treat you good, not hurt you

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Eternal Door: Judgment of Ryan Chapter 7

It's broken english though i'll tell you that, i can hardly read it as is." the rest of them were preoccupied with their own thing but jessica said something that seemed to grab everyone's attention. "you know what...

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Not So Retired Any More XXIII

Lamia pulled a rolling chair with no back out from under one of the desks and sat on it, perched with her footpaws on one of the rollers, and then spoke in halting, broken english. "you...american?"

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Disintegration: Chapter 7

I hardly speak that language myself, but the kid was asking for juice in what i recognized as broken english, and ishtar thought he was asking for jews thanks to her computer translator." the man raised an eyebrow. "excuse me?" "you heard me right.

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An Offer He Can't Refuse

But when he answered, it wasn't an australian accent or a japanese voice attempting to communicate in broken english. "issi, i'd like to see you in my office, please," said a familiar, gruff yet gentle voice on the other line.

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Extra Credit

He growled down at her with renewed vigor her broken english had given him. he yanked her hips back against his own and his cock reached a new depth. every inch of her cunt was forcibly stretched to a limit she'd never known she'd discover.

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A Spare in the Trunk: Part X

The cgi lizard said in horribly broken english at about five octaves too high. whoever they got to voice this character knew nothing of how kobolds really sounded. he watched the computer-generated monstrosity grab greasy man's leg.

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