Mind Control University: Aleah's Story

I am a canis lupus, a wolf for those who didn't take higher science.i am a bit more endowed in the masculinity, but i also make sure to keep my body shape pleasing for my mistress.

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We had been smarter, larger, we had been more capable and devoted, but we still traced our ancestry directly back to the venerable canis lupus.  that had changed.     

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Aric's Life

The hunky canis-lupus tapped a finger on his snout and smiled a little wider. aric stood up rather more quickly than he normally would have and straightened out his clothes. "how did you know where i was?

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All about the Evocanis (Part 1)

It is noticeable that as with canis familiaris (and unlike canis lupus), evocanis have an extra set of small flat molars that help them chew any type of food.

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Rant On Deflowering Loads

But first, we have a more standard classic, and one we already have in our collection: canis lupus. this one, however, will turn out sleeker than his garden-mate." luke's skin became itchy first, and he wondered if maybe whatever it is had gone wrong.

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Darwen Peak

One more or one fewer canis lupus, what did that matter? with or without him the network would trundle along, unfeeling, like clockwork. this unsettled the wolf. hurriedly he finished his snack, to keep his paws busy if nothing else.

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Chapter 1

I've never seen a better specimen of rhenthar sourced from canis lupus." not all rhenthar come from wolves, just the cool ones. flattery won't work on me, though, you prick. i peeled my eyes open to see who it was. must be zim.

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A New Best Friend: Collaboration with DA1337WOLF

I am a fifteen year old male canis lupus, not some baby doll for you to dress up and critique!" ryan said, becoming slightly aggressive due to his cornered, fearful state.

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A New Best Friend!

I am a fifteen year old male canis lupus, not some baby doll for you to dress up and critique!" ryan said, becoming slightly aggressive due to his cornered, fearful state.

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Silent Guardians (Remastered)

To the casual observer, his features bore a striking likeness to canis lupus, or the common grey wolf species that inhabited the world below, although he stood on two legs as opposed to four.

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Schäfchen Zählen

Die meute bestand nicht nur aus vertretern der spezies canis lupus, sondern ihr gehörten auch einige verwilderte hunde und sogar zwei füchse an.

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Draw The Line

"i'd seen that you'd found my canis lupus transcription that one day i let you use my library." the husky's surprise didn't escape her notice. "you didn't put the book back in the right place. it made me wonder what you'd really found out here.

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