Trick or Treat

There was some argument between alley cat and mouse, good natured bickering as the crowd laughed and heckled, until finally sofia made a sound of resigned displeasure. "fine, fine, i see how it is. but mark my words, mouse, i'll be back for revenge."

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Revenge of the Nerds

Be it a cat and mouse complex or just envied that he got straight a's and already had a plan for college with a future ahead of him.

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The Games of Cats and Mice Pt. 3

#3 of the games of cats and mice tyler purred happily as jason finally came to his sheathe and began to stroke tenderly. he looked at his member as it grew hard once more in the mouse's nimble hand.

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The Games of Cats and Mice part one

#1 of the games of cats and mice tyler sighed and let his arms fall back over the top of the seat he had taken a few moments before. "i don't know, what do you wanna do?" jason shrugged, the tall mouse taking a seat nearby as well. "i don't know.

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RWB 2: Bad Moon Rising Prologue

You must play a game of cat and mouse, leading them on long enough so you can accomplish your goal before they get to you. if you succeed, they will have much more to worry about than you, hopefully, and you will be safe, however temporarily.

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Lifetime of the Eloah Inanna

We had been experiencing hit-and-run raids in a cat-and-mouse type fashion, and a lot of us had gone quite some time without any real rest. we finally caught a break and i made my way to my bedchamber.

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The Games Cats and Mice Play Part 2

#2 of the games of cats and mice tyler growled softly as jason led him across the room to the bar. giggling, the brown mouse hefted himself up onto the bar, shivering as his exposed rear came into contact with the cold wood.

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End Game - Chapter 11 - Crest of Despair

"i'm always up for a little cat and mouse." and she sprung off into the forest. that's the next installment of my epic lemon. i would really like to know what people think about this plot.

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LOSC chapter 13

Shadow's eyes widened while a cold sweat started to form on the back of his neck backing away a little out of reflex, allowing teza to walk forward enjoy their game of cat and mouse, "w-w-well...y-y-you see..."

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A Reminder Why

I think he knew it was me, but decided to play a game of cat and mouse. kinda' shook me up, you know?' nick nodded, frowning at the thought. godzilla had never acted in such an aggressive way before. 'do you think you're up to this next mission?'

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The Iceberg Bar

As jess walked pass the line of people everyone looked surprised to see a cat and mouse together without fighting. as jess walked by the bouncers a jet of cold air blasted jess and jean. jean shivered and looked around in amazement.

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"you wish to play 'cat and mouse' with me before you attack. you wish to convince me to turn my ship's back to you ... or lower my shields. you wish to trick me. it will not work.
