The Lead Crown: Ch 4c, Reversal of Fortunes (Pt 3)

Tranquil waters: the lead crown ch 4-3, reversal of fortunes it was hard for sada to tell how the assault was going from her vantage outside the building.

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The Lead Crown: Ch 4b, Your Highness (Pt 5)

Tranquil waters: the lead crown ch 4-5, your highness the following days passed quickly for friar arlowe. once doctor brownell had finished with cruff the old raccoon dog sat beside his son non-stop.

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The Lead Crown: Ch 4d, En Passant (Pt 5)

Tranquil waters: the lead crown ch 4-5, en passant umberto had been through newport several times in his life, or, rather, several times in his other life. returning as a templar, he found the newest experience completely different.

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A Blurb on Burb: Burb Dogs Talking About Burb Dogs, Ch 4

A blurb on burb: burb dogs talking about burb dogs ch 4: kitten-chaser (casey) on burb dogs in general so, hi! my name is kitten-chaser. my record label uses my initials k.c., but 'casey' is just fine too.

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Can't Take My Eyes Off You Ch. 5 (Seigi)

Its basically a repeat of ch. 4, but told by seigi. hope you like. :)** i woke up from my little nap, and kausn was no where in sight. i got up and looked around for a moment, but then i went back to the couch and sat down.

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Misery Ch.5 Helping...

I actually tried to make this chapter longer than ch.4 and do it much quicker...... but this chapter was so boring! .... so yeah... warning you now... boring chapter here... but uh... ch.5 ....this is a feat. as sad as that sounds...

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Time Out Ch. 4

#4 of time out ch. 4 of the time out series. john and cory finish the drive to cory's house. they cuddle, bond, and finally have sex!

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"Timeless Wars" Ch.3-4

ch.4 december 24, 2115, 9:00 a.m, luna and i got up an hour before nine, getting ready to teleport to the atlas mobile command star-ship, or a.m.c.s.

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The Lead Crown: Ch 4b, Your Highness (Pt 4)

Tranquil waters: the lead crown ch 4-4, your highness prince malcom was still with the river tribe when the word came in from messengers that the church had attacked the yew tribe.

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