cynder x sprro love and lies chapter 4

"cynder?" spyro asked as he started to poke his head in. "no!" she yelped, ramming into him, and tumbling out into the hall on top of him. "spyro, im sorry- i just" she stammered, a little startled with herself. "what the hell??"

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The Legend of Spyro - Sins of the Past - Chapter 22: Stars

And whatabout cynder?" spyro said regretting already he had to wake up in the first place.

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Spyro the Relaxing chapter five

Spyro was thrown from the platform in front of cynder. spyro lay on his back looking up at cynder, which she was giggling at him. "what's so funny?" spyro asked "you silly." cynder playfully retorted.

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Spyro the Relaxing chapter two

"yes, i admitted my love for cynder." spyro explained. "how much of your love did you admit?" chronicler asked. "i just told her i loved her." spyro said trying to listen to chronicler's fainting words.

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The Legend of Spyro - Sins of the past - Chapter 12: Runaway

"cynder!" spyro shouted as he saw cynder being hit. just as he where about to step into their fight cynder got up, shook her head and glanced on spyro briefly. "i'm fine. you must leave now!"

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The Legend of Spyro:Return of the Dragon ch. 2

"with you with me, always" said cynder. spyro chuckled and slowly got up. he stretched his limbs much like a cat would and slowly padded outside, enjoying to warm sunlight on his scales. cynder had followed spyro until she stood right next to him.

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Spyro and Cynder draft story

His chains disappeared and he turned to the leader, who,like the others, had pulled out of cynder. spyro grabbed the fire dragons jaw and crushed it a little. he then looked at him in the eye. "now i'm gonna have some fun!"

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Chapter 12 Part 1: The Results

"ready cynder?" spyro asked calmly as aaron stood, ready to go. "yeah!" she said with excitement, looking back at aaron. he crossed his arms and grinned as he disappeared. "where did ugh!" spyro yelled as he got kicked in the side from aaron.

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The Spyro Chronicles Chapter 29: Darkest Before Dawn

"i would never leave you cynder..." spyro coughed and lifted his head. she smiled and grabbed him.

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Spyro: the Untold Stories: Chapter one: the meeting

This is cynder spyro turned and pointed towards the jet black dragon, which looked straight at paul, and this is ignitus, spyro pointed at the giant red dragon that also looked straight at paul. "what is your name stranger?"

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Spyro and Cynder, Chapter 14

"you smell like cynder." spyro looked up sharply and solar snorted. "yeah...she tackled me outside and forced answers from me 'cuz i was going all emo about this. sorry..." "nothing happened?" solar gaped at her. "hell no!

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Spyro and Cynder, chapter 18

"yeah, it's just spyro and cynder." "spyro?" she flew over the leaves so she could see. "i haven't seen him in forever! how is he?" "you heard of cynder?" "vaguely...isn't she evil?"

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