One and the Same - Journal Entry - Solis, July 28th, Year 1355

Wouldn't that make an interesting entry in a dragon slayer's guidebook: dragons can be bored to death, just make sure they have nothing to do!

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Day of Dawn Part 1 (Fairy Tail Fiction)

Lucy swatted the dragon slayer upside the head from behind. "he doesn't practice magic natsu!" lucy said. duke chuckled. "actually lucy..." duke began. he smirked. " natsu...hit me with any attack you've got. outside if you please."

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T.H.O.Z; Deception

We've been gathering news upon them ever since we heard tale that rick armor is a dragon slayer." pinks eyes shot open as she sunk her toe claws into the floor. dragon slayers, the most hated of all humans.

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Rite of Passage part 1

In his younger years zeng was an accomplished dragon slayer but as time went by age seemed to slow him down but not before he had been blessed with his first born son.

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Freedom Fire Prologue: That Day...

He saw spyro beside him, killing many other dragon slayers with ease.

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MakiaVi: The Frozen King - Chapter 4

One day, the dragon slayers will take over this land. not even your precious makiavi will be able to stand to them." her opponent fell to his knees and could barely raise his weapon. riza held the blade of her scythe to the back of his neck.

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A Dragon Slayer's Heart: Chapter 9 -Captivity-

#9 of a dragon slayer's heart \<,\< \>.\> o.o psst....its chapter 9!

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A Dragon Slayer's Heart: Chapter 3 - A Fateful Accord -

#3 of a dragon slayer's heart thank you everyone for supporting me! this is going to be chapter three of my series known as "a dragon slayer's heart"! once again, thanks everyone, this is for you!

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Sollus' Adventures Part 5: Timendi Causa est Nescire

I was flying overhead and i saw a burst of flame that was clearly magical, who would have known upon my investigation i would find a fellow dragon pinned down by damnable dragon slayers."

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The Dragon's Kingdom

My race was hunted, mira, hunted down like animals and slaughtered by your kingdom's dragon slayers for centuries. those of us who could did flee to another demi-plane.

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