Rise To Power Chapter 1

**Rise to Power** **By AdmiralQ Cole Character By Sashia138 Proofread By Drachenwolf** It was a dark night in the city of Skygate. Some of the inhabitants were still awake many partying but we'll ignore those for now. Our intrest lies in a...

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[Commission] Mine

The lights were low and the music was loud. It was the kind of situation where you could barely hear yourself think, where you could lose yourself for a few moments. Erica loved those moments. They were, for her, one of her guilty...

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david's college days part nineteen

After he came out of his two week coma David set about getting better and finding out who tried to kill him or stop him from walking seeing as a wheelchair was not very good skip gear yes to carrying things but no good for rummaging and most places...

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The Blacksmith

Yet another story from a game I play entirely too much. This one was written as a gift for a friend of mine who liked the other two stories with Shoon and wanted a bit of fun with his character. This story is completely unrelated to the other two...

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A New Kind of Royalty

A New Kind of Royalty By Lin Fawx The exhausted party of four stumbled down from the mountain path, their eyes set on a nearby town. Garnet, or "Dagger" as Zidane decided to call her in a stunning...

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It comes with the job part 3

A well toned and muscular exotic white tigress standing at the side of the stage. Silver was hir name. Standing tall at around 6 foot 4 inches. For hir breed that tended to be around average. Hir emerald hughes glance about the crowd making sure all is...

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Lost Souls - Chapter 1

Hey guys, just a quick forward here. First, sorry about the lines, I couldn't figure out how to make the friggin variable width line ending because nowhere in the tutorial does it tell you how, for the computer inept of us out there. This is my first...

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Part Four: Hatching that Egg

Roughly one week later: "GET THIS DAMNED THING OUT OF ME!" Tresh screamed with a high whail of pain and a bone-crushing grip on Saereth's hand. Saereth watched with mild amusement as Tresh squirmed, even though from Saereth's point of view, the...

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Part Three: Consequences

When the two woke the next morning, it was quite a surprise that they found. As Saereth lay there atop Tresh, her flaccid member nestled against the lips of Tresh's sex, it struck her waking mind how much...larger...Tresh seemed to have grown,...

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Hermaphrodiary: Entry Six

(Points to whomever can figure out the reference below. Here's a hint: Holy shit, it's Dr. Tran!) Friday, Week 7 Dear Diary, I don't know whom I should be mad at. The funny thing is, I'm not mad in the slightest way. I was kinda in...

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Hermaphrodiary: Entry Two

Week 3: Dear diary, Gale didn't disappoint. Again, I had to wait until Karen was asleep to write. Part of me didn't want to show up on the off (Well, likely) chance that she was either not showing up or if she was going to try and reveal...

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Hermaphrodiary: Entry One

((Out Of Story: I used an altered US geography, so New Argos, Desmond instead of Seattle, Washington, Motor city, Huron instead of Detroit, Michigan, and North Harbor City instead of New York City.)) Day one: Dear Diary, First day of...

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