Easter bunnies (fairy tale dream)

Turning fairy tales into byl.tvoi rabbits made ??

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In-Between Ch. 4

------------------------ the tale that follows may seem nothing but a fairy tale as said.

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La Souricelle rouge

#1 of anthro fairy tales cette histoire constitue la première partie du cycle "anthro fairy tales". il était une fois une mignonne et gentille souricelle grise. elle était si bonne de cur que tout le monde l'aimait.

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The Guardian: Captain Blaze

"go on tell us about this 'fairy tale' of yours zaglar. i wish to know what's going on here, how this involves my son, and i want direct answers." zaglar glared at hawk. "the guardian is no fairy tale.

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Big, Bad, and Oh-So-Wolfie, Chapter 1

He's a vile, wicked, evil creature, the worst in all of fairy tale land! you know that!"

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Little Red Shaman Squirrel

Tassa was a 13-year old female squirrel who was being trained in the Shaman Squirrel ways by her 43-year old father Jukrit. She lived with Jukrit and his wife, a 405-year old Cygnan Mammalian Dragon named Noraxia who stayed outside due to her large...

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Fairy Tail

A squicky fairy tale! there once was a rabbit who lived in the forest. his fur was soft and silky, the light color of hazelnuts. he was very sad, for he had just had a terrible row at home.

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The Snow King Part 3

**Chapter 5: "You must forget"** Far up in the north, Rachel was walking with the Snow King down a long hallway, which looked like it was made entirely out of glass and diamonds, but in truth it was carefully sculpted ice. The entire palace was...

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Here Be Dragons

It's a well-known fact that fairy-tale princes don't talk. they just go around doing princey things, like saving princesses in distress and killing wicked witches. have you ever killed a wicked witch?"

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Fairy Tale about a She-wolf

## fairy tale about a she-wolf ###### a fantasy story ### by sharpfang'98 this story i dedicate to my friends: reflexis and faith, who bring such thoughts in my mind.

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The princess in the tower.

#1 of short stories i came up with this idea if i blended fairy tales and pokemon what would happen. then, add a grimm's fairy tales with a drama. i have to finish a second story so, enjoy.

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