The Way Things Are Chapter 1

"don't kill him...please...don't..." she said, crying at the sight if her pokemon being held in the fire pokemon's maw. the man stood up, a red mark clear on his face, identical to the one on the ninetales.

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New Year, New You

Barely able to remember that had even happened when you woke up in bed with him, the fire pokemon's heat smothering you. his strong arm was tightly wrapped around you, holding you against his chest.

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Pokemon Boot camp - Bad idea

While he started bobbing the pokemon, he also rubbed it's belly in order to make it less awkward, he thought and listened to the soft moans of his little fire pokemon.

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White Hot

And so began close to an hour of conversation between the sultry fire pokemon and the steely-eyed white dragon.

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Tearful Skies 1: First Tears

Rinz gasped as he was filled with the fire pokemon's burning cum. charizard pulled out, and sat to the side. hitmonchan then walked over to the mew, who was breathing hard, bleeding, crying, and all around wishing he was dead.

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Chapter 2 - Sexual Lessons

It felt great, then the fire pokemon grabbed it with his right hand, and gave it a slow lick. "good boy."said feraligatr "bt now follow what i say exactly. very slowly, move the cock up and down, and remember, relax."

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The Big Bully! Typhlosion VS Emboar!

The big fire pokemon took the first hit, and tried to punch matt in the face. but just like a strong meditator, he grabbed on to the emboar's hand, his face turned into a worried look.

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One Hot Day

Moon as the young fire pokemon made his way along the base of the famed peak.

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Quilava Healthcare

Definitely not the place for a weighted fire pokemon to end up. the deer-filled gut just about fit on the path, another popped ball might be his literal downfall. and after the first ball broke, the others usually quickly followed.

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A trainer's story [15]

He threw the ball onto the battlefield, and it opened in the middle of the air, from which came a fire pokemon.

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My life with blaziken chapter 8

I had heard it once back when i was studying fire pokemon. that was a blaziken's mating call. "ok now i'm confused, he grabs your crotch, you kick him in the nuts, and now your courting him? am i missing something here?"

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The Search For Suicune

It often served as a quick way to heat up a fire pokemon who had cooled down, but they also saw them as treats. he barked and galloped back a few feet.

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