Witch Blood - 02

If she encountered one of the faery folk on the road they might help her out, engage in light conversation, or decide that her skin might be the perfect texture for the lining of her boots.

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Jeremy069; Sounding Board

Jackson made light conversation until he started plating the meal. it turned out to be large chicken breasts stuffed with all kinds of diced vegetables mixed with cheeses. to jeremy it was on par with his brother's cooking and said so. "really?


Reassuring Words, Drunken Night

The two walked in light conversation to the frat house which was only a few blocks away. the music hitting both of them in heavy pulsating waves as they entered; the scent of alcohol, sweat and smoke was a miasma to arcadia's lupine nose.

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Black Cats Path

The two made light conversation after their introductions for most of the night. tristeza made up some life he would have were he alive. whilst litma talked about her boring office job for neigh on two hours.

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"Dreamwalker" Chapter 8

Excited talk dwindled to light conversation, and light conversation gave way to yawning. as the sun disappeared and the sky took on a darker shade of blue, marlowe was the first to go to bed.

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Surveillance: Nobody is Safe - Chapter One

Waiting a good two minutes, i continued my light conversation, only to hear a soft, velvety tone from across me state, "excuse me, i need to go to the bathroom." too distracted to notice her fully before, i now looked at her with well piqued interest.

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Authority: The Burden of the Mighty

She didn't flinch when she heard the door to the classroom open, lightly talking furs conversing nonchalantly, unaware of trish's presence. she heard the seniors enter, each group speaking with one another.

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Scene Two: Funeral

A few laughs sprung up from around him, and before long, light conversation began. "so juichi, you mentioned you were from tartarus, right?" ferro asked in his native tongue, his meal half-complete. "yeah. nothing much there.

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He was a laid back sort, preferring to just make drinks and light conversation over getting too involved in his patrons. i think it was because of his clientele.

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Guardian Without Direction Chapter 7: Driving a Hard Bargain

The professor absently asked back, the was still in a light conversation with one of his colleagues. as he looked up to me, i simply repeated my question and the room fell instantly silent as i continued.

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Symbiotic Love

They spent the time just relaxing with light conversation and good wine. - it was well into the night when they decided to turn in. a little tipsy from the alcohol they made their way into the bedroom.

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One Lonely Christmas

Everyone was quiet at first, enjoying their meal then light conversation came up, mostly asking how lenni's been over the past few years and he told his story and got comforting and reassuring words.

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