No Tears To Shed

To make a long story short, the elderly beatrice and her middle-aged son cristopher could be best described as the neighbors from hell.

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Return Policy

"maybe..." the middle-aged rodent tantalized. "that's better than paying a fine, right?" "right...", the dragon agreed sarcastically. "if you happen to find another book that is overdue...

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The shit life does to you.

Like i said before...middle aged otter. genetics always said i would be lean, streamlined to a tune. i used to take care of myself but....shit. once you get married your looks are the last thing you tend to worry about.

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Incident Report

He was a middle aged owl. i still can't think about owls without getting all uncomfortable. where is he now? well...i think i know. i'm not positive, but i think i know who would know for sure.

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Virishian History

**industrial age** the industrial age begun with the significant changes within the central union society, the largest nation formed at the end of the middle age.

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Tedious Titilation

Simply put, they were just two middle-aged timber wolves who wanted me to know about what their twenty-four-year-old daughter, caroline, did for an honest living.

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Try Me! Chapter 3 - First Experience of the Worlds

There were initial backgrounds he could choose= modern day, past (such as victorian, middle ages, roman, greek etc), future, sci-fi (asimov, huxlean, orwellian, wellsian, lucasian, star trek etc), fantasy (mythological greek, roman, middle ages, tolkienian

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Fox's After-School Activities

The little fox may have been caught by the big, middle aged falcon with another classmate's cock under his tail.

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Family Matters | Entree Sized Commission

Under the gentle glow of some football game on tv, the middle-aged boar dad began to grind himself on stadler's ass, much in the same way arthur had been doing, if a little sloppier from the drunkenness.

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Little White Bird - Chapter 1

The bartender, a slight, middle-aged, aproned grey cat, stood with an uneasy look behind the bar, while a handful of patrons milled impatiently among the tables. aseem turned back to her, smiling."

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A question of breeding.

Neither of the tied pair noticed the middle aged poodle bitch get up and come closer.

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