Lab Drone Placement (2/3)

The rubber snake cock of the male drifted closer and suddenly he began to feel his lips get split open.

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A Sticky Situation (Halloween Story)

The latex equine's face now also pushed up into the second floor, and as the zombies were attracted by the loud noise, the rubber snake of a tongue cim possessed wrapped around as many zombie's as it could, and pulled them all into the waiting maw.

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What Happens in a Dorm...

Before the water was turned off the latex snake made its move, pressing the tip of his slick body against the tight ring of muscle of the black pony's tight tailhole. "what the..."

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Always Check The Packing Slip P4

Lux held the contents of the silver canister to the jackal's nose while at the same time his rubber snake tail stretched around and rubbed lewdly against his groin, which caused velan to inhale sharply despite himself.

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Misha's Purgatory - Claiming a Cobra

In his hand was an exquisitely crafted purple latex snake mask. there were two holes on the tip of the snout to allow for the wearer to breathe. curiously enough, there was no elastic or band that would hold it in place. "what the?"

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An Ultimate Nexus Experience (3/14)

I would say that perhaps one day you can meet the rubber serpent yourself, but i would wonder if she would take you away from me.

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One of Many

The tail of the dragon-wolf was the first to get pulled in, and as it did a tentacle of rubber snaked out and pushed into the tailhole of enthralled man.

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Collector's Edition

With the endless waves of pleasure being fed to him and being under a light trance the creature could hardly remember who he was, the only focus he had was the tongue bulging out his shaft which in turned bulged out the mouth of his latex snake tail

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Lab Drone Placement (3/3)

If the dragon drone had a mouth he would have gasped as from the elbow down his arm became a rubber snake that hissed as its mouth formed from his hand.

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Rattling Rubberlizations

It looked like he was wearing some sort of latex snake good that was slowly growing towards his face, and as he watched his eyes the pupils began to turn to slits as the green of his iris leaked out into the whites to give him a truly serpentine appearance

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A Product Testing Party (3/5)

Klaine watched as the rubber snaked its way up after wrapping around his fingers and completely binding them, though the amorous males were unaware of it as draconicon positioned himself between the other dragon's legs.

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Sharing the Ultimate Experience (1/10)

Strangely seeing the group of creatures obsess over something like that lent a tone of normalcy to this whole place, reminding him that they weren't just a bunch of rubber snakes under the control of a latex dragon who wanted to dominate the nexus realm

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