Halo: FUBAR Chapter 02 - Lone Wolf

Tables and chairs were thrown aside to make more floor space. marines were rushing between windows, pulling down shutters and piling debris up to block entry points. slowly i managed to sit up and look around.

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Obedience School: Roxan Ch.3, Dear Chaos

The nearest bathroom was down a flight of stairs in the basement level and around the corner, i skipped the whole way there, my mind filled with visions of slaanesh cultists in brightly colored clothes charging towards space marine gunmen

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Obedience School: Roxan Ch.3, Dear Chaos

The nearest bathroom was down a flight of stairs in the basement level and around the corner, i skipped the whole way there, my mind filled with visions of slaanesh cultists in brightly colored clothes charging towards space marine gunmen

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At some disputed barricade

Julie verne, dog and increasingly trepidatious space marine, drops with 3rd platoon, b company on a mission that goes south quickly.

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Cold Steel: A Hearth Star Story

Four alien space marines waddled after her like giant limes, overstuffed chests jiggling with bandoliers of ammunition and grenades.

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Feet First

The grenade bounced, then settled between the evenly spaced marines. jenkins did something that no amount of training or combat experience could condition you to do.

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When you are surrounded by a group of space marines ready to kick ass and crack skulls, you use the word fuck like other people might use the \*pause\*. it's an infinitely flexible word.

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A space marine from the far future finds a new home, form and love after being stranded on a distant world. // transmission begins // "hello? test. test, test, test, test, testing... hmmm.

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