Time travellers pt 4

#5 of time travellers when the team arrives at the sun keep, they find it looks exactly the same. they go inside and find an old corpse by the northern wall. they approach very carefully and find that the corpse appears to have been moved recently.

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Time travellers pt. 3

#4 of time travellers when they finally get the spy back to the castle, he tells them and the king what he had learned. the rumors he had heard were very troubling. on the island he was on, there was a newly discovered set of caves.

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Time travellers pt. 2

#2 of time travellers when they arrive at the village, they find that it has indeed been overrun by monsters. rushing in to save the day, the fight begins. chrono charges in with his sword and slices one of the monsters clean in half in one swipe.

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Time travellers pt 1

#1 of time travellers part one of my first story series. if you know chrono trigger, this might seem like that a lot later on. " " represents talking. ‘ ' represents thinking the assassin crept into her target's bedroom.

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Chapter 24 : Rangers Displaced in time

Chapter 24 : Rangers Displaced in time Bullets wizz pass two silver grey wolves, and two black and tan German shepherds the shots ringing out all around them."I told...

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A Holiday from the Expected

C. 2005, Grey K. The bright sand beach was golden and hospitable, warm waves lapping along the shore and the bright yellowish-white sand bright on the shore. The palm trees ripped with a gentle back and forth motion, beckoning to the casual...

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Book VI: The Final Battle

"okay, the ring is still here, so we didn't get sent back," sabre said, really getting the hang of the whole time-travel thing. "the edge of the forest is this was," amber said. "let's go see when we are."

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Book III: The Bonds of Destiny

"all this time travel stuff is starting to make my head hurt," keera said.

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Winter's Bloom - Chapter 4

# Winter's Bloom ## by Bookworm S _Thank you for all your support in the story so far. This chapter introduces another familiar face, and also marks the debut of wonderful story art by my good friend [Eveegirl](http://eeveegirl.deviantart.com/). If...

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One Down, So Many to Go

                The next morning inquiries were made. There was one person, one human that was listed as being from this time period.  He was one of many spanning the centuries. The plan was to cross these people off of the list until the list was...

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The Mage of Terra Danor

              The air crackled, sending black lightning bolts through the night air. A rift opened; a mere empty blackness that made the moonless night seem bright. Something slipped out before the slit snapped shut again.                "I...

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Chapter 08 - Thyme After Time - part 11

The following is a work of fiction copyright Radical Gopher. This story contains adult themes and situations and should not be read by anyone under the age of 18. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ THYME AFTER TIME - part...

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