
uh oh, someone forgot to set the parameters before starting him up. it's probably fine, right? https://www.patreon.com/posts/new-story-file-e-57782111?

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Jake: you sick freak mother --uh-oh as jake said that hades threw a fire ball at them but the guy in red saved them yay ! guy: go now !

League of Assassins

"uh oh. you fell for my yarn trap..."

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Comic Script - A Christmas Double Date

**edward:**"uh oh..." **panel 2: i** n hans bedroom, beside a large bed. all but edward are naked. **edward:**"hans? i told you..." **heidi (handing edward a blindfold):**"here edward! put this on, get undressed, and lay on the bed.".

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The Unbreakable Bond - Prologue

"uh oh, mommy! daddy! someone help me!!!" landon screamed as he ran through the forest as fast as he could while holding on to the egg. suddenly, landon burst onto route 1 and straight into his mother's arms.

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New Musky Neighbors

uh oh! neighbors are transforming into furries! they are contagious and they are horny! gameplay is based off settings. the player sets the number of characters in the game (5, 10, 20, 50, or 100). the player can make each character male or female.

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Hello Agrabah !

Jake: you lieing mother- tsume: don't go there jake goofy: uh oh its um ... its iago tsume/jake: who ? sora and donald drew their weapons but the bird stopped them iago: wait you got me all wrong donald: your iago all right ?

Bandle City Beefcakes Ch. 10

"uh oh..." "uh oh? what's 'uh oh'?" ziggs' eyes flicked over to meet his colleague's, only to see him looking downward.

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Let's Go (Halloween contest result 1/2)

uh oh." " **uh oh!? what the hell do you mean uh oh!?**" "c-calm down, sava-" " **what's going to happen now? are we going to have some... hydra-oozlings?

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Mario's Erotic Elephant Escapades

"uh oh!" mario said as his nose started to expand and elongate, turn into the long trunk of an elephant. his ears started to grow into long dumbo like elephant ears. his skin became gray as his body started to expand. he was growing, large a plump.

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