Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Wallace

"milotic is unable to battle, manectric is the winner and that means leo from viridian city is the winner of this gym battle." at that wallace returned his milotic smiling happily.

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Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Lavender Town and Celadon City Gym

"vileplume is unable to battle as such the winner is leo from viridian city!" the referee declared. erika smiled, before she returned her vileplume while we both walked to meet each other.

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Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Viridian Forest

Returning to viridian city, i headed north instead and decided on which pokemon would be accompanying me through the viridian forest.

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New Beginning Chapter 2: Hard Time

I'd been teleported right to the middle of viridian city. there was a store, a couple of houses, the police station, a fire hou...police station? "there he is! get him!" "rai!" i bolted on all fours as...all fours?!

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Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Goodbye Hoenn, Hello Kanto

"tropius can you fly me to viridian city?" tropius agreed and knelt down allowing me to climb aboard. with some quick directions from me, tropius managed to find viridian city without any difficulties.

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The battle. (Pt 2)

How will the two new friends fare on their first journey, to viridian city? and what troubles will meet them on the way? find out next time.

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Wings of love

Horace was currently high in the sky riding on the back of his beloved pidgeot ramia headed north-west from viridian city towards the indigo plateau. "i can't have been the only one to think of this." he said shaking his head.

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Flame Of The Heart-part 2

Lily the morning dawned upon the viridian city pokemon center flare was taking a stroll through the park. "a nice day for a walk huh?" a voice from out of nowhere said to flare "ummmm.......i guess..."

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Love Will Bind Us

Tomorrow we'll be heading to viridian city where the tournament will be held. i know with all the hard work you guys did, victory will be ours." _"_aaron, come down for dinner." "coming.

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Chaos Pokémon Chapter 2:Poke-what?

(she said as she franticly turned on the tv to a horrendous site of viridian city being attacked. just then the tv shows a giant robot attacking everything in sight) ash-what the hell is going on!? nurse joy-i don't know, who would do such a thing?

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The Pokemon War: Part 2

The radio station they were listening to had just said that the scientists in viridian city had just found proof of alien life.

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Mirages & Bitmaps 02: Introductions

"up toward viridian city first. from there, ah'll decide where t' go next." which was actually true, mostly.

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